“Culture of Death”
“W” is always piously claiming that he is for a “Culture of Life.”
If you look beyond his typical self-righteous posturing and Rovian
P.R. you will see a much different story. Of course he claims to be
pro-life and will use the lives of brain dead coma patients to gain
political points but look at the facts. He says he is against abortion
but the facts show that as a result of his policies, unwanted
pregnancies and STD’s, nationally and especially in Texas have
gone up. During the nineties the trend of abortions was down nation
wide as a result of reasonable sex education, birth control, more
jobs and college availability. Bush’s abstinence only education plan
for school children has had the opposite affect it desired. Of course
in a perfect Polyanna world, teenagers don’t have sex and make
unwanted babies but we all know that is not reality. It is unrealistic
to think some teenagers aren’t going to continue to have sex in an
irresponsible way. To think otherwise is to stick your head in the
sand. Undeterred, “w”s right-wing evangelical base insist on this
approach. As a result, unwanted babies and abortions happen
even to conservative Republican evangelical kids believe it or not.
As to “w”s “culture of Death” reality, just look at the number of
executions in Texas under his watch. He mocked Carla Fay Tuckers’
pleas for life after she gave her life to Christ and before she was to
be executed. He just smirked and laughed at her. The number of
suicides nationwide under his watch, the number of deaths from aids
under his watch, the number of infant mortality deaths as a result
of his health policies, the torture of thousands of Islamic prisoners
and last but not least the huge increase in needless deaths from an
unnecessary war in Iraq are of his making. Over a hundred thousand
civilian deaths have occurred so far to the Iraqi people with even more
seriously wounded. Not to be left out are the thousands of brave U.S.
soldiers that have been killed and maimed for life as a result of our leaders
lies. Our service men and women always do their duty and sacrifice
themselves for the word of our leaders. We should only start a war
when absolutely necessary, not on flawed and trumped up intelligence.
In “w’s” and Cheney’s “Culture of Death” world view we have incurred
far too many deaths and needless sacrifices. This Memorial Day let’s
pray that in future people will look beyond political P.R. and
image illusions for a man of character who will honor our highest
trust and ideals because the last five years don’t represent the best
of what this country is all about. To say you are for the lives of
pre-born babies but ignore the needs and lives of living, breathing
humans with souls already in the world is the highest degree of
hypocrisy one can foist on the American people.