Wednesday, August 17, 2005

parking lot

I followed a car into a shopping center the other day and it had a couple of bumper stickers that said, “I pray and I vote.” In addition it had a “w” sticker on it and an icthus with an anti-evolution ditty. The not so subtle message is that if you are a Christian then you would only vote for Bush. This should be an affront to any independent thinking person but all too many today agree with this perverted logic. Well, I struck up a conversation with the lady and what do you know. She was a war loving, anti-science right-wing Christian. I mentioned the lies Bush has told concerning the war, the economy, his drug history, the anti-Christian harm to those in need and the political dirty tricks he and Rove use against their enemies. She didn’t want to discuss it. In her mind he could do no wrong because God speaks to him. She didn’t want to weigh the issues or reason with the facts. This seems to be the typical mindset of Rush/Hannity right-wingers and many extremist evangelicals. I told her I was a Christian and didn’t vote for Bush. She said I couldn’t be a Christian if I voted for anyone other than Bush. I just laughed. I thought; is this where we are today? What a narrow-minded bigoted attitude. What confused and ignorant bliss many of our voters are in today. No wonder Bush caters to the extreme right. They could use a course in “logic or critical thinking.” They seem to be the most gullible and unquestioning group in the country. I have decided to get my own bumper stickers made up that say, ”I Think and I Vote, therefore I am - Liberal” right next to my ACLU and Christian Darwin stickers. When are Red State clones going to start reasoning and thinking for themselves instead of being led around by the nose with lies and deceit?


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