Friday, August 19, 2005

Science & Evolution

With the issue of science and evolution such a topical subject these days I thought it might be appropriate to weigh the views of both sides. We all know what “w” thinks. He is anti-science and his policies reflect that. He doesn’t believe global warming is factual and thinks the jury is still out on evolution and steroids. On the other hand where would we be without science and modern technology? The miracle of space travel, computers, cures for many diseases and breast implants have revolutionized our world. Just think, without all that, there would be no Pamela Anderson or Jose Conseco.
All those “know it all PhD’s” just love to rub scientific facts in the face of devout Christians in order to disprove the Bible. Not to be outdone, the Christian right has recruited their own so-called scientists and experts on evolution and science. Case in point is Ken Ham and others, who are in the process of building theme parks to teach impressionable God-fearing children the truth about science /history and the Biblical version of creation, in his opinion. In order to disprove the scientific fact of evolution Mr. Ham has a replica of modern man riding a dinosaur so all the little children can have their pictures taken riding a stegosaurus with a couple of blades missing off his back where a saddle can fit. The only problem is, many dinosaur fossils and bones have been found from millions of years ago but none have been found with spurs and a saddle from the early cowboy era. I wonder why that is? It is also interesting that many new species such as rabbits and apes do not exist in the fossil remains of the same time frame as dinosaurs. Mr. Ham’s theme park is expected to do quite well with a certain segment of the population even though it is not based on any scientific evidence, just his vivid imagination and religious superstitions. In order to prove the world is only six thousand years old and that evolution is a lie, many evangelicals insist that some similar form of creationist or intelligent design theory explains all these questions. The Garden of Eden will be located at the entrance to the park. All variety of local snakes and fruits will be featured with Adam and Eve strategically hidden behind some bushes; no, not the presidential Bushes. I suppose he will also have an interactive display explaining how the sun revolves around the earth, how “carbon dating” is an abomination as defined in Deuteronomy and how science lies about man and chimps having 98% of the exact same DNA.. If this weren’t so pathetically comical it might be scary but this is the upside down world that our right-wing Neanderthal leaders have led us. After all, some educationally progressive red states like Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Georgia, Texas and Kansas are changing text books to reflect the ignorance and political clout that the religious right has in today’s world. Hopefully, after a few more years of this anti-intellectual theocratic crusade, the one species of religious political thought sure to go extinct will be the right-wing evangelical fundamentalist mindset. If not, modern day right-wing Evangelical Republicans will become the Shakers and Amish of the future. I think it was Darwin who said, “The mind is a terrible thing to waste.” “Use it or lose it!”


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