Friday, August 19, 2005

Berry Season

Berry Season

We all wish for good experiences for our children during their early years. I know all my children have benefited greatly from jobs, sports and Church activities they were involved in during their summers between school sessions. They have all thrived from their public education here in Henderson. I didn’t have that opportunity. As a little kid I first went to public school at the old Central Elementary School but they said I was too religious. Then I went to a private Christian school and they said I was too secular. I didn’t even know what that meant so I just went home to Mom and was “hoome skoulled.” She was real nice but didn’t have much to work with. Recently I went home to my thirty-sixth high school reunion. It was just me and Mom sitting around the punch bowl listening to Joe Cocker, and the Jethro Tull all night on my old LP’s.

I am so proud of our Community and the teachers who make a special effort to educate our children. It takes a special person to be a teacher and we have some of the best. They have nurtured and been good examples for our kids to follow.

I want to especially mention a family that has made my son’s last couple of summers unforgettable. He and his cousin, Bryan W, were born three days apart in 1990 and work in George's strawberry patch, which is located next to Community Baptist Church on Pebble Creek Drive. They have learned valuable lessons that can’t be found in books but that will follow them their entire life and build the character that is much needed in all kids. George, Lisa, Madison and little Kennedy all work at the patch during strawberry, blueberry, black berry and asparagus season. They allow my son, Bryan and my Mom to help in what ever way is needed. My son has learned the value of dependability, hard work, honesty and contributing to the business in more ways than just putting in his time. They pick the strawberries, drive the mule to chauffeur the pickers, work the register, baby sit Kennedy, be a gopher for George and make the best strawberry milk shakes in West Kentucky. My Mom is no spring chicken, just 10 in dog years, but picking strawberries and supervising the boys keeps her young and exhausted. She lives to pick berries of all kinds from Georges’ patch in town and Aunt Bugs’ patch at Baskett. She’s always around directing the pickers to the best spot for the sweetest berries. I think her Mom and Dad knew how much she would love picking berries and they arranged to have her birthday right in the middle of berry season. It is a delight to see my family so involved with the Warrens and I appreciate their patience with the boys and teaching them how to be responsible and know the value of work.

Now this is not an advertisement for the W’s berry patch but I must say if my son doesn’t save enough money to buy his Apple laptop computer this summer I’m afraid his head will pop like a blueberry on steroids.

To me, heaven will be seeing my son come home at the end of a long day after mowing lawns and picking berries, dirty, sun burnt, and sweaty with a couple pints of berries. He, my wife and I eat them with shortcake and cream on a hot June evening in H-son KY.
That’s what memories are made of and this is only one of many made right here in this town. There is nothing like the kids and families here in H-son and we grow some good ones.


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