Wednesday, August 17, 2005


I have given much thought to what positive things the present administration has done that have improved the quality of my life or security of our country and I haven’t been able to come up with anything. Unlike many right-wing partisans I am an independent who tries to be as objective as I can concerning politics but right-wingers accuse me of being unpatriotic because I don’t agree with them on every issue. I remember how they demonized and hated Clinton for the peace and prosperity he brought to America. Now they don’t want anyone to criticize them or “w”. I honestly can’t come up with anything that Bush has done that has helped me or the majority of people in this country. He is great at dividing people instead of uniting them by using the prejudice many people have for others that are not like them. He seems to bring out the bad nature of people and has instituted class warfare against the have-nots while at the same time giving more and more to those who don’t need it. In just about all areas such as the budget, war, deficits, environmental, security, church/state issues and social issues he has made the problems worse or has pasted on the problem to future generations to resolve and pay off. America is hated more now than before he came to office because of his arrogance and unwillingness to consider other points of view. We can never be loved by everybody or have no problems but we could surely do better than what we are now. Nineteen of the twenty 911 hijackers were Saudi Arabian and we attack Iraq but remain loyal friends with Saudi Royalty while at the same time paying double for oil than what we did before 911. Where is the logic in that? Anyone with even a modicum of intelligence should see the reality of this point.


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