Friday, August 19, 2005

Boil it Down

When you boil it right down to the bare essentials the world of today’s right wing conservative evangelical consists of basically three issues. Let’s take a hypothetical local Church called “the 1st Assembly of Southern Republican Baptizers led by lay minister, Bro. Crawdaddy T. Lipschitz. The right Reverend is by weekday a registered cleaning expert who will remove the worldly stains from your carpet and drapes at a modest sanctified predestined fee and on the Sabbath he is an ordained fundamentalist slobber mouth preacher who will remove the spiritual stains from your vile and wicked souls by instilling the twisted truths of his 1612 King James Bible into your soft and impressionable brains. After all he is in the cleaning business. Vote for him next election and he will clean up the whole city before the rapture comes.

First and foremost is the issue of homosexuality. They think God goofed when he created homosexuals and that Jesus’ fatal error was not mentioning and condemning them during his ministry. Their goal is to rid the world of homosexuals by casting them into a living societal hell at the first possible opportunity. Anyone defending fair treatment for them is definitely not a Christian and also will be included as a homosexual by proxy. While attending Sunday school class each week members compare notes on how to discriminate against homosexuals in their work place. They have an orgy of bigotry and hate for anyone in the community who doesn’t join them in discriminating against all the gay radicals who are attempting to take over our country and brainwash our kids. Actually Jesus said the whores are closer to the kingdom of God than the self-righteous but I would wager a bet that isn’t preached too often.

Next on the list of top gospel political hits is abortion. They are against any form of abortion from conception on but don’t find it hypocritical to use birth control pills or I.U.D.’s which also destroy fertilized eggs. They want to go back to their Pollyanna world view days of botched back alley abortions which killed and maimed untold numbers of women in this country before 1973. They think all women and doctors involved in such deeds deserve death that is unless their daughter comes home pregnant after being knocked up by the high school football stud. They would vote for Satan himself if he said he was anti-abortion but won’t consider changing their own birth control methods.

Last on the must do list of fundamentalist hedonism priorities is to rid our public schools of ungodly evolution science and the so called separation of church and state lie. They will force school systems to teach Biblical creationism as though it was science and then fire any so called educated monkey man Biology intellectual for leading their impressionable child astray from the truths of Genesis and not praying to their right wing Protestant Jesus. Yes once Bro. Lipschitz gets all his flock indoctrinated and the country gets these three critical issues resolved through rewriting the U.S. Constitution by only voting for godly republican family values politicians we can all rest easy knowing that God is in his place and all is right with the world. Amen and Amen.

Merry Christmas to all real Christians and
Burn in Hell you Secular Humanist Homos


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