Wednesday, August 17, 2005


I thought Bush was supposed to bring dignity and honor back to the Presidency. Recently Laura was telling the White House correspondents a story about how “w” masturbated a horse. It was so cute. She went on to tell them she, Mrs. Cheney and Condi Rice went to a male stripper club to see the Chippendale men show their liberal assets to the Secretary of State and first ladies. That was only the beginning. Between “w” lying about war, the budget and social security, and Cheney using the “f” word telling members of the Senate to “f – off” while taking advice from Enron’s Ken Lay about energy policy and Tom Delay taking bribes from lobbyists every other day we have quite an administration to be proud of don’t you think? Thank goodness we have righteous and holy leaders back in charge at the White House. Keep buying stock in those 2 gal/mile Humvees with big Republican tax breaks, $2.50/Gal. gas oil companies and industries defaulting on their employee’s pension benefits. I bet we’ll be back to Republican normality real soon. Maybe we can start another unnecessary war and kill a hundred thousand more if we’re lucky. I’m sure the “religious right” is real proud of their poster boy for morality, “w.” After all, God tells him what to do. How can he be wrong about anything?


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