Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Poster boy

For right-wing evangelicals to use Jesus as a poster boy for bigotry and partisan politics is heretical. One example is the Baptist Church in North Carolina which kicked out members for not voting Republican in the last election. Another is Highview Baptist in Louisville which hosted the highly partisan “Justice Sunday” recently. Al Mohler, the opportunist president of the Southern Baptist seminary in Louisville was one of the main speakers along with several preachers and politicians at the “Justice Sunday” rally and he stated that not only should our Justices and elected representatives be moral persons, they should also be strong believers in Jesus Christ and rule likewise. Atheists, Jews, Muslims and other assorted non-believers need not apply. Is this what we have come to: A religious test for government office? I thought there was something in the Constitution forbidding that? That old Constitution is such a nuisance isn’t it. Excluding any Church member differing in their views relative to politics, war, sex or when life begins and ends is the epitome of religious demagoguery. So much for the concept of “free will” and “priesthood of the believer” in today’s fundamentalist Churches. That Baptist preacher in N.C. looks just like the preacher on “Ripley’s Believe or Not” that said he had been abducted by aliens and anally probed before being returned to his congregation. Why am I not surprised? These modern-day Christian frauds would very likely banish Jesus from their Churches and condemn him as an unpatriotic liberal if he returned today, the same way the legalistic Pharisees did 2000 years ago. Why they insist on painting their Savior as a right-wing, bigot and warmonger I’ll never understand. Have they ever read and do they actually believe what Jesus said in the gospels or is their religion just a front to their lust for political and religious power? Is there any doubt they are pushing for a Theocracy? How much more evidence is needed to convince those skeptics and few sensible Southern Baptists that still remain in and support their local SBC Churches? Why are they afraid to speak up and question their leadership about what is happening in their religion?


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