Friday, August 19, 2005

Woman S C Justice

It’s too bad President Bush didn’t choose a woman to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by Sandra Day O’Conner. It just seems that she was such a mediating source on the court that we should try to have more women in all of politics. I know it’s a generalization but most men would rather fight and butt heads with opponents rather than compromise. Scalia, Rehnquist and Thomas are perfect examples. On the other hand women’s maternal instinct seeks to bring opposing sides together and resolve the conflict in a peaceful manner. Can you imagine a woman lying about Iraq’s W.M.D., exposing CIA agent Valerie Plume, and going to the extreme to start a war the way Bush and Cheney did? Women don’t want to sacrifice our children in unnecessary wars. Men want to destroy their political enemies ideologically and physically. Testosterone is a deadly chemical it seems. It has been the downfall of many men and nations. I guess that’s why men don’t live as long as women. I hope when Rehnquist resigns soon that Bush will replace him with a moderate woman like O’Conner who was a uniter rather than a divider like “w’s” arrogant administration. We could use a little more moderate reasoning and less ideological extremism in our country right now. We need one who would seek consensus and find even- handed solutions to today’s issues. The President and the Supreme Court are supposed to represent all the citizens of this country and not just a small extremist minority. Let’s hope our new justice “Roberts” understands that. This would also be a good time for the U.S. to elect a woman President to help move our country back to the center and get us out of conflicts with other cultures and extremist groups. Some right wingers seem threatened by this idea. Condi Rice is an intelligent woman but needs to get married and raise some children first. Her maternal instincts aren’t the greatest and her blind allegiance has gotten in the way of her sound judgment. After all, she was one who read the specific FBI warnings of terrorist planes flying into buildings four years ago and ignored them. There are plenty of women who would make excellent presidents though. Given men’s track record throughout history, how could a woman do any worse?


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