Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Some people are under the erroneous impression that we God-fearing ACLUers hate extreme right-wing evangelicals. Let me be clear. We hate the sin but love the sinner. We may not agree with their lifestyle but we accept them and pray for them to turn from their wicked ways. It’s never too late for them to change and go straight into a life of fulfilling political and religious moderation. Just look at the result of right-wing evangelical Baptists in North Carolina. Any members that didn’t support “w” during the election or that was not a Republican was kicked out of the Church. The pastor went Mid-Evil on his congregation. I wonder what Jesus would do with that fundamentalist flock? I know many right-wingers and they are proud of what they are. They are flaming fundamentalists that constantly try to push their agenda onto unsuspecting citizens. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but most normal people choose not to live in the wretched, bigoted world of fundamentalism. They can live the way they want in the privacy of their own homes and Church meetings but what I detest is the promulgation and permutation of the fundamentalist agenda on the social fabric of our society and especially our impressionable children. That is unforgivable. I fear for an even further deterioration of the traditional nuclear family and the danger associated with teaching this kind of radical lifestyle in our public schools. I know people say that they choose the right-wing fundamentalist lifestyle but I really think they can’t help it. I feel God just made them that way. If there is a hell, to me it would be being locked in a pew of a right-wing fundamentalist Church and having to listen to never ending preaching on politics from these slobber-mouth heretics like Falwell, Robertson and the like, who distort the teachings of Jesus and call it the only true religion and theirs, the only correct interpretation of the Bible. That’s just sad. The next thing you know they will be demanding special rights, like their own TV/radio stations, school vouchers, government money for their Churches, tax exemption and endless political concessions from Republicans. Woe be the day when that happens. I fear that God’s wrath will rain down with a mighty power and fury upon us and inflict punishment on the country which sanctions and legitimizes this arrogant, rebellious, in your face, sick theocratic lifestyle. For God said I am the Lord and vengeance is mine to all those who try to pervert my will and purpose, even you self-righteous right-wing Pharisees. They must turn from their wicked ways before it is too late. The end is near. God said it. I believe it so that settles it. Amen and Amen! Sound familiar?


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