Wednesday, May 31, 2006

by Robert Sheer

Bush Links Energized Enron

The Bush family consistently acted to put Enron and its longtime CEO, Ken Lay, into a position to rip off investors and taxpayers. Why is the mass media ignoring that fact now that Lay has been convicted in arguably the most egregious example of white-collar fraud in U.S. history?

Until he hooked up with the Bushes, Lay was just another mid-level energy trader complaining endlessly about being hemmed in by onerous government regulations and those terrible consumer lawyers who prevent free market hustlers from doing their thing. But after he and his company became top supporters of the Bushes -- eventually giving $3 million in total to various Bush electoral campaigns and the Republican Party -- doors opened for them in a big way. In particular, once Bush the father got rid of key energy industry regulations, Lay was a made man and Enron's fortunes soared.

This program of corporate welfare led Lay to dub the first President Bush "the energy president" in a column supporting his reelection because "just six months after George Bush became president, he directed ... the development of a new energy strategy," which, in effect, compelled local utility companies to carry Enron electricity on their wires. It was, Lay crowed, "the most ambitious and sweeping energy plan ever proposed."

Another huge gift from the first Bush regime came in the form of a ruling by Wendy Gramm, head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, that permitted Enron to trade in energy derivatives, making possible the company's exponential growth. Five weeks after that ruling, Gramm resigned and joined the Enron board of directors, serving on its subsequently much criticized audit committee. Six years later, Gramm's husband, U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Texas), further enabled Enron greed by pushing through additional anti-regulation legislation.

A long list of members of George H.W. Bush's Cabinet and inner circle, including Secretary of State James A. Baker III and Commerce Secretary Robert A. Mosbacher, went to work for Enron after his 1992 defeat. An even greater number of Enron officials returned the favor by joining the George W. Bush administration in 2001 shortly before the Enron scandal exploded.

The close connections between President Bush and Lay began when they both worked on the 1992 Bush père presidential reelection campaign. In fact, a long paper trail of their friendly and collaborative correspondence has been made public through Freedom of Information Act requests. "Dear Ken, one of the sad things about old friends is that they seem to be getting older -- just like you!" wrote then-Texas Gov. Bush in April 1997. "Thank goodness you have such a young beautiful wife." In Lay's typed responses -- some are handwritten -- he sometimes crossed out Bush's formal titles to scrawl a friendly "George," emphasizing their personal history before he urged the governor to, for example, help Enron secure foreign energy contracts with regimes in Romania and Uzbekistan, or called for so-called tort reform designed to protect corporations from lawsuits.

Typical was Bush's role in Enron lobbying of Pennsylvania's governor to permit Enron to enter his state's energy market. As Lay wrote in a letter dated Oct. 7, 1997: "I very much appreciated your call to Gov. Tom Ridge a few days ago. I am certain that will have a positive impact on the way he and others in Pennsylvania view our proposal." After the Enron crash, Bush attempted to distance himself from the "Bush pioneer," who had sent more than $2 million in Enron funds George W.'s way, as well as supplying him with the Enron company jet on at least eight occasions. "I have not met with him personally," Bush said after the scandal broke.

What Bush left out was not only his hundreds of personal encounters with Lay before he assumed the presidency but, more important, Lay's key role in drafting the Bush administration's energy policy. Lay met with energy task force chairman Dick Cheney at least six times. It was Lay who submitted a key memo opposing price caps in response to the energy crisis in California that Enron had helped engineer. Lay was also instrumental in the abrupt dismissal of Curtis Hebert Jr. as Federal Energy Regulatory Commission chairman. The neutered FERC later conveniently refused California's loud pleas for help.

So far, California has recouped some of the billions in taxpayer and pension funds it lost, and several of Enron's top dogs are looking at hard time. Perhaps, after this November, if the opposition party can retake at least one branch of government, the connections between these corporate criminals and their buddy in the White House can be more fully investigated as well.

Swift Boat Liars

"As someone who truly understands the risk of standing up for something, I simply cannot express in words how much I value their willingness to stand up against John Kerry. Their efforts, like their service to their country, speak volumes about what matters most." - Jeb Bush, January 19, 2005....

So let's get this straight: the value of "standing up to" (i.e. smearing) a man who volunteered to risk his life for America "cannot be expressed in words" because, like service to the nation, it "speaks volumes about what matters most." Yes it does, in the twisted view of America's far right, where vilifying war heroes like Murtha, Cleland, and Kerry is a noble cause. And slandering those who are disgusted by Abu Ghraib and Haditha is laudable. And sitting behind a computer cheering on and "supporting the troops" while they lie dead and dying in the streets of Baghdad is respectable. And impugning the integrity of the majority of Americans who want the troops to come home is commendable. Yes, it's a great mission to slime a decorated veteran.... in the twisted view of people whom Al Gore calls "renegade rightwing extremists."

Friday, May 26, 2006

Neo-con logic

Where do you get your assumptions about me or liberals? You always bring up some stupid straw-man argument that me or liberals don't espouse and then you attack the ridiculous position as if we support or represent it. "w" and most other ignorant right-wing media boobs (Hannity, Rush, Savage, etc.) do the same thing. They can't debate real positions or logical positions from real people so they make up pathetic scenarios to debunk so they appear intelligent and on the side of reason. Cute and deceptive little scheme but very shallow intellectually. It is used everyday by right-wingers and other frauds.

Why do you attribute these pathetic ideas and beliefs to me? You are lying when you do that. I know your ideas are so ridiculous that they won't withstand real factual analysis and logic so I guess that's all you have to rely on. I forgive you. I don't expect any more from you.

I didn't want to offend your tender sensibilities. I know what a sensitive W.A.P. (Wise Aryan Pretty-boy)you can be. I tell everyone that call you that name it is not Christ-like and how they should forgive you because you don't know any better. We are to forgive those who persecute us and gossip about us. I have nothing but love and pity in my heart for you. I look beyond your hypocritical core and to the wounded little weenie, Momma's boy that you are.

I hope you go to Central Park this weekend and pay tribute to the many relatives of mine that are represented there. You can thank my family's sacrifice at any time. No Chickenhawks can be found represented there.

All I want to know is, "why are you so angry and bitter?"

Right-Wing Neocon:

You're just a copy-n-paste lib that has no ideas. A male Molly Ivins?

A reality check, you need. You identify with Sling Blade and Cape Fear man?
My area of expertise is not psychology, but I'd evaluate you as borderline Bi-polar/schizophrenic.
(And that's free of charge.) They have medicine for that condition.

Wise A. P.? Are you having trouble spelling or are you afraid to spell
something that may be offensive? Maybe not Christ-like?
Heaven forbid......Why don't you get a little backbone and tell me how you really feel and what you mean.

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend.....I just love all those thousands of crosses in the city park. I hope it reminds everyone of Christ and the sacrifice He made. John 3:36


W.A.P. stands for guess - Wise A. P.

I realize my intellectual limits unlike you and many other W.A.P.s I don't pretend to know it all like you. I just know I can out-think you.
I can out-write you and I can out-philosophize you.


You come across as very angry and bitter in every post and letter. A number of people have said just that. Take a look in the mirror and cut back on the hours of right wing media you listen to and watch. You're getting carried away with the hate and it's not pretty.

Love ya!


Fool? Let's see what the Bible has to say about those who call others fools.

Do you know what the Bible says about that?

Matthew 5:22 - If one calls a brother a fool he will burn in the fires of hell.


You instigating fool. Typical Hall. Start something, then step back and play some sort of innocent Apostle. Seek professional help.

Love and respect? You wouldn't know either one of these.


Who rattled your cage?
That's a problem with you liberals. When the truth is revealed, bitterness becomes you.
You get indoctrinated by some waco professor, and that makes you the smartest guy in town?
I know some GED guys that would validate the ignorant baffoon that you are.
Consider yourself fortunate. If you didn't have a document hanging on the wall, you'd be sackin' groceries.

Hannity a WAP? That's a first. A catholic WAP, whattya know.

Stock in the days of Hall: $4/share Days after Hall:
now $45/share (LIE!)

Thanks slick, I've made roughly $125,000.00 since you departed!!!!!!!!
God is good!

My retirement age has signifigantly decreased. I'm looking at 58 now!
Aluminum business is great. Oil business is great! Pinch me! I'm

Now, go take a water sample, I'm busy trying to finish up foundation drawings on our new leveling line.

No wonder you are so pro-Hannity. No education - know it all W.A.P.
Keep it up and you'll be just like him and Savage.


Thursday, May 18, 2006

12 step program & flag burning?

I am a recovering Baptist in a 12 step program to rid my mind and soul of superstition, guilt and fear.

Some right wingers ask me if I support flag burning and I tell them I don't particularly like it but we must have the right to do it. If we ban flag buring we might as well ban exotic dancers from picking up US currency with anything other than their hands.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Street Preachers

Street preachers. There is something very American about having citizens stand on the street and use their 1st Amendment right to free speech and religious expression but I would make an exception to using high decibel loud speakers. During the recent Tri-fest, the city was treated to the railings of some die-hard fundamentalist street preaching hate mongers. They chose the fire and brimstone admonition of sinners doomed to a hates of eternal fire and agony for some very specific behaviors they don’t like. It is ironic how they pick and chose the sins that their personal prejudices support but ignore most others. I don’t know if these guys really think they will gain any converts with this tactic or if they just want to spew their self-righteous demagoguery to inflict anger. Either way isn’t it great to be an American? It’s ironic that these right-wing 1612 King James Biblical Shiite Baptist literalists feel they have the right to tell others how to live and interpret scripture but they don’t allow the same right and “free will” to those of a different belief system. I wasn’t sure whether to give them a brotherly thumbs-up or salute with a “Zieg Hiel & Hiel Hitler.” My question is; why are they and many other right-wing Christians so angry and paranoid? They just want to force everyone else to believe the same as they do. Theocracy forbids free-will and freedom of religion.

The Christian right now seem to officially be the party of paranoia. Secularists are attacking Christmas! Gays are attacking marriage! Liberals are attacking values! Our kids’ minds are being corrupted by evolution science. Criminals are everywhere and we need concealed weapons, even in Church. Hollywood is trying to destroy the Catholic Church by lying about killer, Albino Opus Dei monks. Our Christian government is being destroyed at an alarming rate by ACLU liberals and humanists! You know; if you're going to be that paranoid why don’t you just get high? There’s medication for this condition. Try it. You’re giving me the creeps.