Wednesday, August 17, 2005


I find it very interesting the attitude of most right-wingers regarding the Terri Schiavo autopsy results. In the face of the cold hard facts of this case they still refuse to acknowledge reality. It seems so typical of their close minded tunnel vision on most all issues relative to politics, religion and morality. They do the same concerning truth about Iraq, the budget, deficits and environmental / global warming science. These immoral zealots would prefer to impose their personal views on a wide range of issues by making laws forcing others to follow their narrow views. They don’t want to just be allowed to act out their own convictions; they want to force everyone else to follow them. Most right-wingers don’t believe in free will and personal freedom or choice whether it is about smoking, drinking, gambling or control of your own body. They insist on imposing their views on everyone. President Bush and many right-wingers in Congress are shameless in their pursuit of making political statements rather than respecting the privacy of the individual and the doctor-patient relationship. Where will all this intrusive moralizing end? I thought conservatives wanted the government out of citizens’ personal lives. Now that they have political power they hypocritically act like those they used to demonize. How do you reason with those who refuse to accept reality and the truth? Instead of addressing the message they attack the messenger; the tactic of losers.


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