Wednesday, August 17, 2005


In response to the letter of April 23, I wonder if the author has really ever read the Bible. He states that Jesus said to his flock, “Go forth be fruitful and multiply.” Well, I wasn’t aware Jesus ever said anything in the Old Testament book of Genesis 35:11 which is where this scripture is found. Jesus wasn’t even born until centuries later. From this scripture, he infers that anyone who is incapable of bearing children is less of a person in God’s eyes. That is a contemptible and theologically unsound view of God but I guess one has a right to their own personal bigotry. Throughout history Christians have used scripture to justify many evils like slavery, oppression of women, gays, & the poor, extreme nationalism, religious bigotry and war. How they can distort Jesus’ words the way they do, I can not comprehend.
I can proof text the Bible with the best of any fundamentalist but this doesn’t seem to be the place to play that game. The letter referenced is typical fodder from these extremists and demonstrate the kind of theological demagoguery and erroneous self-righteous attitude of many present day right-wing evangelicals. I made one small comment in my letter about Jesus not condemning homosexuals and he focuses most of his letter on that. His obsession with and paranoia of any mention of homosexuals shows he has issues and maybe tendencies toward them. These extremists are a small minority but control the Republican Party today. They don’t speak for me and millions of other Christians. If you want to quote Jesus I suggest you try reading the gospels. They are the first four books of the New Testament. Until then maybe you need to stick to bush politics. Being truthful, honest and factual has never prevented him from succeeding in the Republican Party. After reading the logic of his followers, I understand why.


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