Friday, August 19, 2005

Christian Nation

” America is not only a Christian nation, it is a right-wing fundamentalist evangelical Christian nation in which Attorney General Roy Moore will police the judiciary to assure the Protestant God and 1612 Kings James Bible are instituted in every public school, hospital, bar, motel and courtroom in the land. George Bush has an approval rating of 98%, has never told a lie, didn’t use drugs and is not an alcoholic. After killing 150,000 “w” receives the Nobel peace prize and is having his face carved into Mt. Rushmore as we speak. There is no such thing as separation of Church / State and every citizen is required to subsidize Church Bingo games, Christian schools, and Sanctuary building programs by tithing their tax dollars an extra 10%. All gays are lobotomized and imprisoned but pious self righteous adulterers, on the take from lobbyists, run Congress. There is no Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare or private employee pension funds any longer since “w” and the Republicans seized them to finance the next round of tax cuts for our top 2% citizens. There are no environmental regulations and global warming is just a hoax perpetuated by liberal democrat scientists who think just because the polar ice caps have melted that it somehow proves their point. The Cato Institute is in charge of reproductive rights. All contraceptives are banned and thousands of women die from back alley abortions just like in the good old days. Jesus is a close personal friend of “w’s” and is returning next week as the poster boy for war and bigotry in this administration. He will replace Donald Rumsfield as Secretary for Defense of War and Sec. of Church / State Offensiveness. He comes highly recommended by Orin Hatch and Tom Delay as a no nonsense moral leader who will destroy all American enemies like, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Homo’s Peacenik Jews, Democrats and ACLU liberals. George Bush is writing a book on economics to show that deficits are actually a good thing and endless debt is the preordained destiny of this Calvinist elect nation. Oh, Oh, Cough! Yawwi! Arf! Woof! Ouch, Those defibrillators sting! Wow! Boy, that anesthesia during my surgery really messed up my brain. I haven’t hallucinated like that since Clarence Thomas was appointed to the Supreme Court. What a nightmare! There for a minute I thought I had died and gone to right-wing paradise or as rational people call it “HELL!” Thank goodness I was just dreaming, eh?


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