Wednesday, August 17, 2005


For some reason whenever the subject of religion, politics or sex comes up some local right-wing fundamentalists seem to lose all perspective and objectivity. Some get so upset when others don’t agree with their views that they end up in the nervous hospital, just like when Louisville beats UK or Rex Chapman tells the truth about racism in this state. Why is that? They want to force others to believe the same as them and make the laws according to only their view of morality. Are they so insecure and unsure of their faith and beliefs that they resort to these tactics? How does me being a Baptist threaten your fundamentalist religion? How does your lesbian friend at work threaten your children and family? It makes no sense. My 31 year marriage is not threatened. Why do we need laws to force conformity on everyone? It’s odd how most right-wingers assume that since I am a voice that will come to the defense of those who believe differently about politics, sex or religion that somehow I am an atheist gay communist. People who know me and my family know that is ridiculous. Why is it that right-wingers insist on this kind of categorization of anyone who doesn’t agree with them? Their arguments are so weak that they seem to always attack the messenger rather than the message. Why are they so afraid of the truth about politics, race, religion and sex? Don’t we all have a right to have different points of view? I respect their beliefs about these issues until it comes to them imposing it on others through our laws. If this is a free country, why don’t we practice some freedom of expression, belief and speech? Does “w’s” administration have you so intimidated by saying, “you are either for us or against us” that no one is allowed to disagree with those in power? They are called terrorist lovers, anti-American and much worse? It’s the same pathetic mentality that conservatives used when Nixon was in office. “America, love it or leave it.” I believe our liberties and freedoms are big enough to allow for dissension and diversity of opinion. If not, how are we different than other Totalitarian Dictatorships?


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