Friday, August 19, 2005

Christmas Parade

While getting pelted upside the head with tootsie rolls and candy canes at the Christmas parade last week I commenced to thinking on my conservative critics. I know I’m not real smart and highly educated like these intellectual Kentucky Republicans but why won’t they acknowledge that our Constitution doesn’t mention God or Jesus instead of attacking me and calling me hurtful names out in the Christian community. I’m real sensitive and cry easily. I didn’t hit the genetic lottery when it came to brains and looks but at least my wife and kids still sort of like me. I know the first thing my critics do when they read one of my letters is they get out their dictionary to see what all those big words mean and then they commence to copy my phrases and sayings to use in their letters. I guess I should be flattered. When they make broad sweeping generalizations about ACLU liberals such as me and any of their other avowed ungodly enemies, I get real pacific in my analysis of them. They don’t seem to like objective views of their prejudices and flawed religious and political reasoning. Like many Republicans and evangelicals they would rather be popular than factually correct. That’s why this country is in the sad shape it is in today, relative to war, fiscal policy and hypocritical morality. Capitulating to four more years of lies won’t help our situation. It’s just sad that we can’t have an honest dialog concerning our secular Constitution and Biblical truths. My conservative detractors seem incapable of acknowledging the reality of our secular Godless Constitution. As with “w” they don’t seem to be able to admit they are wrong about anything. They can’t seem to help directing their hatred of me for stating the truth about the separation of Church and State when in reality they hate our Country’s founders for not writing the Constitution in a way that supports their facetious and fallacious theocratic arguments. I still love them even though they are on the wrong side of Constitutional truths and the liberal foundations of U.S. history.
Merry Christmas!


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