Friday, August 19, 2005

Pray for Cindy

Mocking Cindy

It seems that mocking and criticizing Cindy Sheehan is the latest preoccupation for all the right-wingers in America these days. The true nature of these unpatriotic hypocritical chicken hawks comes through loud and clear. They don’t want to go to Iraq to fight. They also don’t want to send their children to die in Iraq but they don’t have any qualms about impugning the character and integrity of a grieving mother. She has stood up to the president and made him look like what he truly is, a callus, detached and cold-hearted puppet who can’t admit any error. He is terrified of facing the public on this because he is wrong and people know this was a mistake. The more these ditto heads and other right wingers savage Cindy, the better for her cause. More Americans are waking up to the realization that this “W”ar is a fraud and they have been lied to. It has not made us safer and only encourages more terrorism. It was a mistake in the beginning and it is a mistake now.


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