Okay; this is the answer to all our problems in the Mideast. Our blessed leaders “w” Cheney and the neo-conservatives say if we just bomb and invade Iran all our dreams will come true. We were so successful in transforming Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordon, and Afghanistan that we need to follow up with the same game-plan in Iran. I am certain when we do this the Iranians will be grateful to us. They will embrace our form of democracy and then greet us as liberators and throw flowers on our soldiers. Our intelligence sources say that they do not have nuclear weapons but we believe they do plus they have the third largest oil reserves in the world with Iraq being number two. If our right-wing supporters would just send more of their children to our armed forces, if you will, we would be ready to do for Iran all the glorious things we have done for Iraq. Any of you liberal naysayer’s who question our plans will only embolden the enemy so you must not criticize our efforts, if you will. Anything less than that will be perceived as treason so keep voting only for real god-fearing patriotic American politicians who want us to be safe from terrorism and godless liberalism, if you will.
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