Friday, September 01, 2006

If you will

Our Iraqi “Cakewalk” War has now lasted longer than World War II with the Nazi’s and no end is in sight, if you will. What do we have to show for it besides tens of thousands of dead and wounded, over $310 BILLION debt, more terrorism, less security, cutting and running in Tora Bora, more Mideast War and Chaos, a gutted U.S. Constitution, a diminished military, Iran, China and Korea out of control, fewer international allies, an Iraqi Civil War with no weapons of mass destruction and still no Bin Laden? Uh, Swagger, Mission Accomplished and fear are good things I guess. Oh, but don’t forgot the positive side of the story, if you will. We still have all the same God fearing, Bible thumping fundamentalist politicians in office that got us into this mess. Thank goodness for small wonders. I wouldn’t want to be accused of being on the side of the terrorists by pointing out the obvious truth about this lying and incompetent administration and Congress so let’s all just “stay the course” until these politicians are out of office. God Bless America and pass the cornbread you gullible sheep. Pray for a revival of Constitutional enlightenment and American political salvation or we will sink further into this eschatalogical nightmare our right-wing deceivers have drawn us into, if you will.


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