Friday, September 01, 2006

Cut and Run

Why did “w” cut and run at Tora Bora? That is the question historians will be asking fifty years from now. Our military had Bin Laden surrounded and all we needed to do was close in on him but bush had another idea. Forget the one who led the 911 attack. Let’s invade Iraq and get that despot Saddam. As he has done so many times before, bush has taken his eye off the ball and allowed his close-minded delusions to lead him in the wrong direction. Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough has asked, “Is bush an idiot?” “w” claims that he knows God’s will for his actions and acts upon them. So the next obvious question is; is “w’s” god an idiot. Exactly who does “w” worship and what god would act so ignorantly and irresponsibly as he has in the war on terror? Bush has ignored the advice of wise and seasoned generals and diplomats and we are paying the price with this endless Iraq war. How many more US and Iraqi soldiers have to die and be maimed for life before we elect some leaders who will use common sense in fighting the war on terror. Bush and Cheney continue with their failed plans For every one Iraqi they kill they create twenty new terrorists and make more countries hate America. They use fear and threats to keep American critics in line. Some free democracy eh? As a result we are less safe than we were pre 911. And the question remains for all people on this planet. Who would Jesus bomb and why does god get blamed for all of “w’s” screw-ups? What should we do to end this cycle of violence? Because, Lord knows what we have done so far isn’t working.


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