Thursday, August 10, 2006


Why are today’s angry conservatives so upset with progressives? They can’t seem to accept that most reasonable people don’t want to be sycophant Republicans who repeat what they are told by the right-wing media. They relish calling progressives, “bleeding heart liberals.” Since when did being an altruistic follower of Jesus’ teachings become a bad thing? Conservative’s general short-sighted attitude toward politics is, “If an issue doesn’t affect them or their interests personally, who cares.” As long as they have money and a good job the rest of the country should be happy regardless of their plight. It’s all about them and their privileged self-serving interests. Right-wingers seem so paranoid they fear any baby boomer that lived through the sixties and didn’t vote for Nixon/Agnew and the Viet Nam war. Their skewed view of history is being passed on to gullible Reagan era ditto-heads who swear that liberals are responsible for all evils from original sin to PCB’s. That’s good. I want them to think I am going to grow may hair long, put on my old bell-bottoms, turn on the strobe lights, turn up the volume to Iron Butterfly, break into their homes and force them to wear love beads and tie-die T-shirts while singing “We Shall Overcome.” No wonder this generation of right-wingers has this country so screwed up. They are quick to swallow greedy right-wing distortions of politics but ignore the truth and reality of recent history from the last fifty years.


Blogger Lexcen said...

Having a bad day are we? Almost cut your hair? Not feeling up to par? Sorry but I felt you've been more cogent in previous blogs.

4:00 PM  

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