Monday, August 07, 2006


With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil -- that takes religion. -----
"Crackpot Christians? The radical side of U.S. religion has embraced cultural anti-science, war hawkishness, Armageddon prophecy, and in the case of conservative fundamentalists, a demand for government by literal biblical interpretation." [American Theocracy, p. 100]
These Crackpot Christians are largely responsible for placing one of their own, George W. Bush, in the White House. Thus, they cannot escape responsibility for supporting an illegal, immoral invasion of Iraq and draconian fiscal policies here at home. Judging by recent polls, Crackpot Christians continue to provide the minimal support that prevents the total collapse of the worst presidency in American history. And, by their refusal to acknowledge errors, Crackpot Christians become responsible for the collapse of U.S. moral authority around the world. Crackpot Christians have a long history of moral degeneracy. Simply look back to southern clergymen citing verses from the Bible to justify slavery and anti-civil rights laws. Today Christian Nationalism, Dominionism and Reconstructionism, advocate selective moral outrage and political dominion of the world with a Christian government by replacing American civil law with Old Testament biblical law." This is the essence of Theocracy. Their insistence of an evangelical theocracy has resulted in the collapse of America’s moral stature around the world. When will they repent and turn from their evil ways?


Blogger ButterSnatch said...

I'm one of those crazy nut-job atheist conservatives, so I'm not quite sure i'm equipped to respond to this. You sure like pointing fingers though, I'll give you that.

At least you’re consistent...

1:17 PM  
Blogger Lexcen said...

My thoughts exactly.

4:23 PM  

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