Thursday, July 13, 2006


Everything incompetent about the George W. Bush administration - Iraq, Katrina, 911, domestic spying, Terri Schiavo, nominating Harriet Miers, Dubai Ports, torture, debt, Social Security privatization, no WMD's - are the actions that make the soul of the American public cringe in shame and pray that the last five years have been just a bad dream. Someone who will act against every core principle Americans hold sacred to their hearts - separation of church and state, freedom of the press, the right to privacy, the right of habeas corpus, the Geneva Convention, doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt. The Bush administration and Congressional Republicans say America cannot "cut and run" until the mission is complete and victory has been achieved. Here's the question that should be asked --What is the mission? How would one know when victory is achieved? The original mission, the American people were told, was to destroy Sadaam's weapons of mass destruction and to break his links with Al Qaeda. This mission was, of course, based on lies. After the original rationale for the “mission” collapsed, we were then told that the mission is to bring stable, secular Western-style democracy and free market capitalism to Iraq and to provide a democratic role-model for the rest of the Middle East. This mission has almost entirely failed. I don’t believe any objective observer, without a partisan agenda, believes this “mission” can succeed in the foreseeable future. According to Bush/Cheney we have turned so many corners in Iraq that we are back where we started with nothing to show for it. The Iraqi police and army—the forces that are supposed to stand-up so that American troops can stand down-- are riddled with corruption and private milita who torture, kill and terrorize members of other sects. Even Sadaam’s notorious rape rooms and torture chambers are coming back under the command of sectarian militias. There is increasing ethnic cleansing in mixed Sunni-Shiite neighborhoods. If this is not Civil War what is? So the question remains—What is the mission now? What would it mean to win? We need to know before we turn another corner in this futile war.


Blogger ButterSnatch said...

Too much to say on this one, so I'll just leave it alone. Interesting take though, I have to admit.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Lexcen said...

I agree with your summation. The intriguing question is this: Governments can make mistakes out of stupidity or misinformation,so are they bad Government for making mistakes? Do we remove a Government that has made a critical error of judgement? How do we punish a Government that has lied to its constituency?

4:27 PM  

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