Tuesday, July 18, 2006


So who is the enemy? Is it al Qaeda or U.S. veterans and patriots? This is a good question in light of ongoing right-wing swiftboating attacks against anyone that challenges bush and his coven of right-wingers. Kerry, Gore, Richard Clarke, Max Cleland, Joseph Wilson, James Webb, Paul Hacket, John Murtha, the 911 widows and now Cindy Sheehan. They are being attacked by this group of republican chickenhawks who can only survive by being on the offensive rather than defending their own cowardly history of cutting and running from their military duty. Why does this type of smearing work? It works because it is simple. It is done professionally with billions of dollars and the right-wing media’s support. It tells a story of a good and evil character. It doesn’t matter if it is true just so it raises questions about someone’s character. Political communication is not about truth. It is about framing. The general public wants to be told who to like and who to hate according to Karl Rove. It’s very simple just like the minds of those who fall for these lies. We are in a war against terrorism. So who is the enemy? Are they terrorists or fellow U.S. citizens? Right-wingers want you to believe it’s the later so they can stay in office. It makes you wonder who the real patriots are in this fight.


Blogger ButterSnatch said...

"Right-wing media’s support"? Are you on crack? We have ONE channel. FOX-News. Can’t we have just one, or do you left-wingers want them all?

Actually, this right-wing/left-wing media debate is a good one. The right thinks the media is LEFT. The left thinks the media is RIGHT. I’m wondering... is the "media" laughing at all of us all the way to the bank?

Interesting site. I think i'll come back when I need a taste for the "other side" of things.

Keep fighting the fight my left-wing brother!

2:43 PM  
Blogger ButterSnatch said...

^and please don't be offended by my brashnessness... i just write that way! come visit me some time (don't be fooled by the key-words at the top of my page. they're for hitwhore purposes!)

3:04 PM  

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