Friday, July 07, 2006

With Each Day

With each day comes more evidence of this administration’s failures. Iraq Chaos, bombings and Civil War, North Korean missiles, Israel / Palestinian battles, Iranian Nuclear Weapons, Global Warming, Energy Prices, Health Care Crisis, Terrorism, Constitutional Violations and Religious Fundamentalism, both Muslim and Christian. What additional evidence is needed to prove the intellectual dishonesty and utter incompetence Bush and his right-wing neo-cons have brought to our country?


Blogger ButterSnatch said...

And you solution to all of the above would be...?

It's a tough job, and you can't make everyone happy all of the time. Instead of complaining about all that is wrong and pointing out the failures, why don't you constructively come with ideas on how to fix things, and stop pointing fingers at everything that's wrong?

You sound like Kerry... "THIS PRESIDENT does not have an exit strategy in Iraq!" *clap, clap, clap, clap, clap*

Okay Mr. Kerry genius... WTF is YOUR plan on exiting Iraq?

Don't point fingers and call names without being able to back it up with something constructive.

Is that fair?

2:47 PM  
Blogger Intolerant said...

There are no more differences between the parties. Clinton laid the groundwork for the total disintegration of America. The Bush family nazis simply took the reigns and are leading us to our demise. There are no more elections in this country. It's all just for appearances sake to keep the feeble minded public thinking they still have a say in how the country is run. A tiny few control the masses. If anyone thinks John Kerry would have been any better than this numb skull we have now think again. Kerry was hand picked by the same scumbags who placed GWB in office. The electronic voting machines are certified defective yet still used. Left right who the fuck cares...just take a look around and speak your mind only if you are capable of actually using it. Otherwise, follow the lamb in front of you to the slaughter.

3:08 PM  

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