Thursday, September 08, 2005

No Shame


It is interesting to observe the Republicans and Bush administration lie and cover up what happened before, during and after the hurricane disaster last week. Their lies were so blatant that even the usually compliant media didn’t give them a pass the way they did with 911 and Iraq. It seems so ironic that not one Republican voted last summer to allow exemptions to the tougher bankruptcy law for national disasters. How prophetic that after every crisis, bush and his people always excuse themselves by insisting, “We had no Idea this could happen.” Then they expect the public to believe them. They lie with impunity and no respect for the truth or intelligence of the public. “911” was foretold in many warnings and reports just like the results of a Hurricane on Gulf coast. What was their response to the warnings? Cut funding to the very agencies and projects that could improve our preparedness to disasters. Yeah, that’s it. When are people going to wake up to the incompetence and disaster in leadership at our nations’ capital? They can’t even provide the least modicum of security to the public. If that is not grounds for impeachment what is? They have yet to find who sent the anthrax to Washington and other locations after 911. They don’t care because the public and media have forgotten it. What will happen when we are attacked by terrorist’s rather than by God’s wrath? This whole episode has exposed the plight of the poor and helpless in this country as opposed to the wealthy that has the resources to escape a disaster like this. They live in a hell not of their making. Did you know that the minimum wage today is even less than it was 70 years ago? Poverty has doubled under bush’s reign. How can we expect the poor to make a living and provide for their families with that kind of incentive? What is bush’s response? Hey, you media guys don’t take pictures of all the black and poor dead and dying, floating around rotting in New Orleans. If the public sees the reality of what this country has become under their leadership they might start thinking for themselves and you know how dangerous that could be. The poor and blacks won’t enlist in the military and my Iraq war could fall apart. Ha! His answer; I’ll turn this project over to Carl Rove so he can start getting his message out that the victims and the democrats are actually to blame for this just like they are to blame for every other bad thing. The lies and marching orders have blossomed out of Roves’ office. The administration and right-wing media machine have already started that by blaming the Mayor and Governor of New Orleans and Louisiana for the problems. Bush lied about the Governor not asking for assistance and by declaring a state of emergency and that the mayor didn’t ask for any help. That is always their tactic when they fail and show their incompetence. They attack when they are exposed. It has worked very well for them so far. Their lies are well documented along with many others but it doesn’t keep the media from printing them as though they were factual. Their primary purpose as always is to deflect criticism and blame for anything by pointing the finger at their opposition. Politics is the only policy they respect. They don’t want the government to work for the people because they are against good government. What better way to show that the government is no good than to put it into irreversible debt and make it incompetent to provide any assistance or security. They want only the private sector to provide any help, with a big price tag of course. Then when the private sector fails economically or structurally they can then whine about the government being responsible and worthless. As Grover Norquist has said, “the plan is to drown the government in the bathtub so they can dismantle all the agencies that serve to help the public like Social Security, Medicare, EPA, OSHA etc.” This is the only explanation for Bush's administrations' actions. Can you imagine what would happen if a Hurricane would hit an affluent white community? Would the response be any better than this one? No answer is necessary. They have “NO SHAME and their lies need to be exposed for all to see!” Repent Republicans; for your judgement day is at hand! You reap what you sow.


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