Friday, September 02, 2005

More lies!

How can you tell President “w” is lying?

His lips are moving.

How many more lies are right – wingers willing to accept from bush before they see his incompetence and denial of reality relative to science, economics and social problems? This country is coming apart at the seams and “w” vacations the whole month of August even while the Hurricane devastated the Gulf coast. This is very reminiscent of the month before 911 in 2001. Now the administration whines that they had no idea this could happen. Yeah, just like they said, “no one had any idea a terrorist could use airplanes to fly into buildings. When are these buffoons going to be held accountable? This whole episode brings to light the plight of the poor and dispossessed in America which has been greatly exacerbated by “w’s” administration. We don’t need to be in Iraq but all our resources do need to be in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama helping the truly helpless people who endure the hardships that have been made much more difficult from this administration. They never miss an opportunity to to cut funding or aid to the poorest in our society while at the same time further enrich those wealthy individuals who don’t need help. They have cut funding to Gulf-Coast hurricane preparedness every year they have been in office just like they cut funding for any science issue they deny exists. Global warning is real and is causing much of the increased intensity of the hurricanes we now see. Now many self-righteous right-wingers are using this disaster to further attack and blame blacks and other poor minorities for the conditions. Pull themselves up by their bootstaps. Give me a break! If the middle class whites couldn’t afford to get out of town when the Hurricane came I wonder how they would be fairing. Fox and right-wing talk radio seem to only show and speak of black crime. Well the city is 75% black and poor and had no means of leaving. What would "w's" response be if this happened in Palm Springs or his Brothers wealthy neigborhoods in Florida? Poor victoms don't deserve to be blamed by right-wingers in a disaster. They need to be helped. The lowest level of political opportunism is being allowed during this episode and the public should reject their motives. Bush doesn’t seem to care because that demographic group doesn’t vote Republican. The right-wing response to all this is to point fingers away from the administration and to tell the public that they are unpatriotic to question our leader. Why am I not surprised?


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