Friday, September 09, 2005

Divider, Not a Uniter

There has never been a president in U.S. history that has so polarized this country as bush has. He has been given every opportunity to bring this country together after he and the republicans stole the election in 2000. After 911 he could have really brought this country together and united all citizens if he had just been equitable in his actions. He and of course Carl Rove chose to take advantage of the overwhelming support he had as a result of 911. He chose to be partisan and decietful in his governing and it has not changed one bit since then. Even after the Hurricane in the Gulf bush has chosen to ignore the plight of the poor and minorities but instead continues to give tax breaks to corporations and the rich while only crumbes to the poor. He refuses to increase the minimum wage putting the poor into a deeper hole while having to pay for double energy costs. His legislation adds more to the wealthy, as the number in poverty doubles. His energy poicy does nothing to alieviate our dependence on oil. Instead he chooses to give huge tax breaks to oil companies who are already making record profits which put the country deeper into debt. He only serves those who don't need help in this country, the wealthy and powerful as opposed to the workers. He has lied to the country about every action he has taken and shown no regard for honesty in dealing with any politician that does not agree with him. He has put this country into endless debt and set about the bankruptcy of our nation. The ones who will pay will be our children. Bush is shameless. I truly believe he intended to bankrupt this country so that all the services (Social Security, Medicare) that were started by the Federal government will no longer be able to survive and to all those good people that have built this country and died for needless wars he says, "Go Pluck yourself you big time cash hole!" He doesn't know what most average people in this country go through just to survive day by day. He only laughs at those in need. He never had to worry about money or a job because he was always taken care of by his Daddy and his rich powerful friends. This country is split right down the middle between the haves and have-nots. The result and cumulation of all he has brought on America will be another Civil War. Get ready, it is going to happen as sure as bush lies about war and politics. Judgement day is near. I know which side I will be on. I will follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, help those in need and the peacemakers. A very inciteful parable Jesus told says, "It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God than pass through the eye of a needle." I am blessed with not being wealthy by American standards but compared to most people in this world I am rich. I ask the Lord to help me share more of my possessions and to take serious his admonitions in the Sermon of the Mount. I fear that the republican party and the religious right in this country are so corrupted with money and power that they are too far gone for redemption, but I know that the Lord always provides redemption and a second chance. Pray that they repent and follow Christ before our country crumbles from within. We are very much like Rome in their glory days. While Nero fiddled Rome burned just like today with our leadership and unconcern for the least of us. There is no security in material things as the wealthy believe. They will pass away but the spirit endues forever. He will bring us to our knees because of our wealth, arrogance and pride. We are not exempt from pain and suffering. We need to remember that.


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