Friday, September 09, 2005


I was at a baseball game in Louisville last month and guess who I was sitting by? A fundamentalist preacher. His flock was at the game as a family/Church outing. They seemed like a good group so I struck up a conversation with the guy next to me which I found out was the preacher who moved here from Louisiana. I asked what denomination they were and the guy in front of me told me. I said that sounds different than the other demomination they came from so my response was, "What is the differnce between you and them?" The reponse from the guy in front of me was, "We believe the Bible." Oh yeah, exactly. If you believe differently than them then you don't believe the Bible. Typical fundamentalist response. So I asked him if he believd Mark 16:15 which is the scripture about those who believe being able to pick up poisonous snakes with their hands and drink deadly poison without being hurt. First I had to tell him what the scripture said and he responded while spilling his beer on himself "that is crazy." "Only nuts would do such a thing." I said well the Bible says Jesus said it, Are you calling Jesus a nut or liar." "Of course not" he said. I was just misinterpreting it. Well I looked up several interpretations and they all said the same. The preacher sitting next to me didn't have much to say. The only thing most fundamentalists believe about the Bible is what their own prejudices support. They take many scripture out of context concerning drinking alcohol, homosexuality, racism, evolution, abortion, nationalism, materialism and many others because they don't look at what it says objectively. They read it totally subjectively and only as a way to proof text what they want it to say. So much for the theology of fundamentalists. No wonder they are anti-intellectual and against educated people who know the Bible in a much deeper and meaningful way. And so goes the march to a fundamentalist theocracy in America. God help us.


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