Thursday, July 06, 2006


I can think of nothing more pleasurable than to watch local right-wing neo-cons erupt in rabid seizures over the truth about their GQ imperialist president. This truth telling to conservatives is like Ali doing the rope-a-dope. They are like Pavlov’s dog on speed. Their arguments are as empty as their Vodka bottles. Right-wingers don’t like the reality of failure by their leader. We are to the point now that Iran and North Korea’s, Ment Lee Ill, thumb their noses at us and know our military is too stretched to force our will on them because of our failure in Iraq. Instead of addressing the issues that have demoralized and weakened this country by bush/cheney they choose to attack their critics and the independent media. Right-wingers are facing the reality that even their imperial leader may be required to follow the rule of law. The Supreme Court completely rebuked this administration’s proclivity to ignore our Constitution’s guarantee of checks and balances in their ruling on Hamdan’s Guantanamo military tribunals. Bush chose to ignore Article 3 of the international Geneva Treaty concerning torture and has admitted to telling Cheney to retaliate against Joseph Wilson. Now he could very well be prosecuted for War Crimes. He can not ignore due process or withdraw from an international treaty of which the U.S. is a signatory. No man is above the law in this country and America represents more than one person rule. We have a democratic republic; not an oligarchy. Congress and the Judiciary have not issued the President a blank check regardless of how he feels. Cheney served under Nixon and experienced the resignation and trauma of Watergate. He has carried the belief since that time that the President has unlimited power especially in times of war but the Constitution will not be mocked. In his presentation to the Supreme Court, Nixon's attorney, James St. Clair, argued, "The President wants me to argue that he is as powerful a monarch as Louis XIV and is not subject to the processes of any court in the land. Of course we know how that ended. Gonzales is now saying the same thing in defense of Bush. There are many monuments in Washington for Presidents. None for Nixon or Johnson except the Viet Nam Wall. Years from now Bush’s monument of shame may be a cage wrapped in barbed wire and under it engraved in marble the words of Justice Stevens:”The executive is bound to comply with the RULE OF LAW.”


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