Thursday, July 06, 2006

The F-word

I feel the foremost threat to the world is Fundamentalism. Yes, the same kind of religious and political fundamentalism that Al Qaeda, Islam, Christianity and Right-Wing neo-cons espouse. In both religion and politics, fundamentalists are the primary cause of today’s wars and hatred of those who are of a different belief. There is no middle ground for the fundamentalist. All issues are black and white. You are either with us completely or you are the enemy. Those are the stark terms they use. Christian fundamentalist neo-cons believe that Muslim fundamentalists are evil terrorists and visa-versa. Even within their own country these fundamentalists polarize their fellow citizens and church members. They say theirs is the only truth about religion and politics and that their interpretation of scripture and the Constitution is the only correct one. That is OK in theory if everyone agreed but the reality is that in a diverse world people don’t all think and believe the same. The question is, “what is the best means of governing and worshiping that would allow for all the variations in people to coexist?” Well I am prejudiced but I think our Constitution and the concept of the Separation of Church and State are the best examples of how to respect others religion and political views. It had worked pretty well for the first two hundred years of our country up until Christian fundamentalists and right-wing neo-cons took control and started mandating conformity to their world view and agenda. It has caused a polarizing culture in both religious and political circles. These fundamentalists use pure power to enforce their views and will not rest until all are legally converted to their viewpoints. Diplomacy is for wimps in fundamentalist minds. Force and power is the common denominator in politics and religion. That is why we are engulfed in war and judgmentalism today internally and world-wide. Fundamentalism is harmful and must be stopped. I am a member of a Church that works to reject religious fundamentalism. It is a worthy cause and one that I feel strongly about. I feel the same about politics. Both major parties in America must reject political fundamentalism if our nation is to survive. We must respect others views on politics and religion. That is the principle that America was originally built around.


Blogger Lexcen said...

I agree with you. Unfortunately the very nature of Islam rejects the notion of a separation of Church and State. It would be too simple a problem if the disease was merely amongst the fundamentalists, instead the disease being intrinsic to the Q'ran, and is apparent to anyone who bothers to read the Q'ran rather than cling to false notion of Islam as a religion of peace.

5:56 AM  

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