Monday, July 03, 2006

from one of their own

SAFIRE: Look, I don't speak for the Times. I've been in the Times for 30 years disagreeing with Times editorial policy right down the line. On this one, I think they did the right thing. Here we are on Independence Day weekend, 230 years ago, celebrating what was the resistance to a king who said "We're going to hang you for treason." And here we have a Long Island congressman, happens to be named King, who's saying "treason" and "put these reporters in jail." I think there's a big fundamental thing going on here now, and across the board, of "get the press, get the media." And, look, I used to write speeches for Spiro Agnew, I'm hip to this stuff, and, and I can say that it gives you a blip, it gives you a chance to get on the offensive against the, the darned media. But in the long view of history, it's a big mistake.

A note on John Harwood, WSJ who says: "First of all, that editorial wasn't kidding when they said there's a separation between the news and the editorial pages at The Wall Street Journal." He goes on to prove it, saying, hey. The terrorists aren't stupid. This isn't a surprise.


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