Monday, July 03, 2006

Election Year

One can tell it is an election year because instead of governing and trying to be responsible with the citizen’s money and lives, the republicans are repeating Carl Rove’s game plan of attacking gays, liberals and anyone criticizing their war based on lies. They can’t run on their record of debt and lies so they resort to the tried and true method of demonizing their opponents. Our leaders have failed in all aspects of their jobs and we are never to criticize or question their motives? Since when did holding your elected officials responsible for their failures become unpatriotic? No wonder this country is so polarized. There is nothing I could say that would expose the hate and vitriol of these right-wingers more than their own words. Several recent letters from right-wingers show the shallowness and naïveté of their reasoning and logic. The results of their six years of destructive governing are as empty as the U.S. Treasury.


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