Monday, July 03, 2006


Right-wing republican evangelicals claim that gay-marriage will destroy our traditional family values. They say, “Homosexuals threaten the very institution of marriage.” What will the children think? They say a handful of flag burnings each year violate their rights yet it is OK to see a stars and stripes bikini clad pole swinger at the local gentleman’s club picking up our sacred “In God We Trust” currency with something other than their hands. Why isn’t that illegal? Why the hypocrisy? It seems to me that the institution of marriage, a child’s upbringing and our traditional family values are being threatened by divorce and unemployment much more than some right-wing trumped up gay bashing, fear mongering PR campaign. Maybe if these right-wingers were something other than self-righteous divorced hypocrites their appeals would mean something but I don’t think most reasonable people pay much attention to them. Why don’t they just leave the gays alone? They have plenty of 2 X 4’s in their own eyes to deal with before they start throwing stones at others. If divorce was a legal obstacle to holding public office I don’t think there would be many conservatives in Washington to enact this ridiculous legislation. Divorce is the major threat to the American family. Why not address that with a Constitutional amendment?


Blogger ButterSnatch said...

When a gay man attains the ability to give birth, NATUALLY, then I'll agree to what you wrote. Until then, i'll continue to think & believe that gay'ness is an abomination, unnatural, and wrong. Read my most recent post… it explains EXACTLY how I feel about this particular subject.

Funny that you wrote about this, and my post (and I hadn’t even read this yet) is sort of a rebuttal. I think we’re going to be GREAT friends, you and me.

3:08 PM  

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