Monday, July 03, 2006

Touched a nerve

I must have touched a nerve with my little one paragraph comments, concerning the failure of our present right –wing leadership in Washington, in order to prompt the outpouring of the 31% of the local Kool-Aid drinking neo-cons who still believe their leader is God’s gift to America. I find it comical to read the delusional observations of conservatives who think they know better than our Savior, our liberal founding fathers and our secular Godless Constitution. What is it about the 1st amendment and the gospels they find so threatening? Didn’t Jesus say to go into your closet to pray, unlike the hypocrites who want to stand in public and pray just to be noticed? Our founders didn’t mistakenly leave God out of the Constitution. It was intentional in order to prevent people just like our present right-wing fundamentalist republicans, from establishing a theocracy. Maybe our local right-wingers should go back to high school and retake their civics and American history classes in order to enlighten their minds to the realities of our form of government. Listening to right-wing radio and TV propaganda will never replace truth. Commenting on other right-wing incoherent rants is futile. Their logic is so far gone, their letters stand as a testament to irrationality. No outside criticism is needed.

These right-wingers must be living in an outer limits parallel universe if they believe our present leadership is successful. The Republican Party is so far to the right today that, real moderates feel as though they don’t know their own party. It is controlled by fear mongers and paranoid fundamentalists who reject objective truth and reality. To say that, “the right fringe of the party is sparsely populated, and does not wield any significant power within the party” is the height of absurdity. To say that, “the repu party consists of a majority of fiscal conservatives” is so pathetically false that one can only laugh at the thought. Just look at the budgetary results of the last six years under Bush and the republicans. They control all branches of government and have no one to blame but themselves. They are an utter failure and have driven us into endless debt and a war of lies. The first year of this administration took a huge surplus given them by Clinton and placed us into nine trillion dollars of debt that our children will have to pay for. They can not govern and prove their ineptness in every area such as disaster relief, wars, finances, health care, the environment and terror warnings. The only thing they are good at is politics. They sure know how to demonize their opponents by questioning war heroes and amputees’ patriotism in order to win elections. At one time these types of vicious tactics were used only against our international enemies but today the republicans see fellow Americans in the other political party as the enemy. My party, the libertarian party, has the opportunity to show the others how it should be. For right-wingers to say liberals have no answers, only complaints, just look at the results of eight years of Clinton/Gore. What is it about peace and prosperity they resent so much? Republicans have polarized this country beyond anything I have ever observed in my lifetime and are making US citizens fearful of each other with their demagoguery. They claim moral, political and religious superiority and anyone that doesn’t follow their dictates does not deserve to be an American. Our founders would not recognize this county today. Unless our leaders moderate and accept all citizens as equal and worthy and work for the common good we are doomed to be, a house divided. United We Stand; Divided We Fall. That is no empty slogan. If fundamentalist Republicans would practice the principles of Christ’s teachings instead of using Jesus as a partisan political hatchet man then maybe we could once again be a great nation governed by our secular Constitution that assures liberty and equal justice under the law. If right-wing fundamentalists insist on forcing their personal religious beliefs on this diverse country we will destroy ourselves. Our Constitution guarantees “freedom of religion” and “freedom from others forcing their religion on us” through the law. If the Republican Party doesn’t wake up to this reality we will be viewed by future historians as a wonderful democratic experiment that failed due to ignoring the principles on which it was founded. Liberals accept conservatives as equal citizens. They just don’t agree with their policies and inclination to force others to accept their fundamentalist view of religion and theocracy. Is that wrong? Why are they so bitter and angry at those who differ from them? What are they afraid of?


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