Friday, May 05, 2006

Street Preachers

Street preachers. There is something very American about having citizens stand on the street and use their 1st Amendment right to free speech and religious expression but I would make an exception to using high decibel loud speakers. During the recent Tri-fest, the city was treated to the railings of some die-hard fundamentalist street preaching hate mongers. They chose the fire and brimstone admonition of sinners doomed to a hates of eternal fire and agony for some very specific behaviors they don’t like. It is ironic how they pick and chose the sins that their personal prejudices support but ignore most others. I don’t know if these guys really think they will gain any converts with this tactic or if they just want to spew their self-righteous demagoguery to inflict anger. Either way isn’t it great to be an American? It’s ironic that these right-wing 1612 King James Biblical Shiite Baptist literalists feel they have the right to tell others how to live and interpret scripture but they don’t allow the same right and “free will” to those of a different belief system. I wasn’t sure whether to give them a brotherly thumbs-up or salute with a “Zieg Hiel & Hiel Hitler.” My question is; why are they and many other right-wing Christians so angry and paranoid? They just want to force everyone else to believe the same as they do. Theocracy forbids free-will and freedom of religion.

The Christian right now seem to officially be the party of paranoia. Secularists are attacking Christmas! Gays are attacking marriage! Liberals are attacking values! Our kids’ minds are being corrupted by evolution science. Criminals are everywhere and we need concealed weapons, even in Church. Hollywood is trying to destroy the Catholic Church by lying about killer, Albino Opus Dei monks. Our Christian government is being destroyed at an alarming rate by ACLU liberals and humanists! You know; if you're going to be that paranoid why don’t you just get high? There’s medication for this condition. Try it. You’re giving me the creeps.


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