Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I read with tragic humor the writings of local republican partisans the last couple of weeks who spend their complete letters attacking a patriotic American veteran who disagreed with their shrill right-wing neocon political viewpoint. This brave citizen must be saying something right for all these reactionaries to attack him as they did. The truth really threatens right-wing extremists. These right-wingers obediently parrot what they are told from Rove, Rush and his disciples, then expect everyone else to follow their brainwashed view of revisionist history. Hey, if I wanted to listen to the lies of this administration I would just watch right-wing controlled mainstream TV propaganda. I don’t need local chicken hawks repeating the lies that are expressed every day by this administration. If these guys are so gung-ho about the war maybe they should volunteer.
Terrorism is nothing new to this country. We shot down an Iranian jet with over 300 civilians on it 15 years ago. How many innocent women and children were mutilated by the atomic bomb? That is not to say it wasn’t necessary but we do terrorize others. It all depends on your viewpoint. War is terrorism! We lost and terrorized more of our fellow Americans during the Civil War than any other war in our history. Iraq is a country that did nothing to us and was no threat to us. Mass graves are the norm in Iraq and Afghanistan from U.S. dirty bombings of civilians (i.e. white phosphorous and depleted uranium). The history of Iraq’s barbarism is replete with U.S. complicity. Reagan/Bush sold chemical and conventional weapons to Iraq to be used against Iran and their own Iraqi people, so to presume that America has no blood on its hands in its Islamic crusade is naive. Reagan, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfield did nothing to stop these weapon sales and atrocities in the 80’s. I certainly don’t blame our soldiers or military. These brave men must follow orders given them from inept politicians. Why is it that whenever patriotic American citizens criticize policy, right-wingers take it as attacks against our soldiers? That is so simplistically false and naïve. To not criticize our leaders is unpatriotic, quote Theodore Roosevelt. To say that America has not been attacked since 911 is also factious. We still have not found the terrorists who killed people and terrorized Congress with anthrax in the U.S. after 911. We are actually less safe today than pre-911. Many nuclear facilities have been pillaged and scientists recruited in Russia since the country collapsed, and with it nuclear materials and technologies have been stolen and moved to Islamic terrorist countries. Not exactly the scenario right-wingers had when they claimed victory against Communism. Had this administration heeded the warnings about Alqeita before 911 it would never have happened. Relative to right-wing delusions that Congress had the same intelligence as the White House, to authorize war, nothing could be further from the truth. Facts come out daily about the lies and deception of Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld prior to the war. They perpetrated the illusion to Congress and the American people that there would be a nuclear cloud over America if we didn’t attack, knowing that was false. Had we known Bush’s preemptive war would end up as a feeble attempt to bring democracy to the mid-east, Congress and the public would never have supported it. Listening to right-wing torturous, twisted logic and justification for all the abuses and lies our leaders are responsible for in Iraq is pathetic. From this administration’s lies concerning weapons of mass destruction and 911 connections to claiming that we are not occupiers but bringing peace, freedom and democracy to Iraq is a fraud. We have increased Muslin hatred of America and ceded control of 2/3 of the world’s oil resources. All we have done is assure Iraq will have a protracted civil war and become a Shiite dominated Islamic fundamentalist THEOCRACY controlled by radical IRANIAN Shiites. A failure on all counts. Mission accomplished! Thank this administration for sacrificing and maiming tens of thousands of American soldiers, bankrupting the U.S. Treasury, yielding our Constitution irrelevant and destroying the honor and respect the world held us in prior to this unnecessary and vile war. And oh by the way, where is Osama?


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