Thursday, December 01, 2005

Freedom to Choose

Right-wing evangelicals are in an uproar over the idea of cable TV splitting channel selections. This concept has it that the consumer would decide which channels it wants and the remainder would not be available. You would only pay for what you watch. As it is, most cable viewers get all the stations but have to monitor the stations they don’t want their kids or themselves to see. It seems as though this idea would once and for all resolve the problem of pornography being exposed to those who don’t want it. Not quite so fast. It seems the ones who are against this idea are the religious channels like TBN. They are afraid that if people have a choice they will choose not to have access to their station and therefore they would lose money. As the agreement works now, the cable company pays them a set amount whether anyone watches or not. Pretty sweet deal eh? They could potentially lose large amounts of cash. They are certainly not pro-choice when it comes to consumer freedom. They want to dictate what channels all consumers have access to so they can continue to campaign against smut on TV. They make lots of money with that game. If the individual could decide he didn’t want HBO or TBN they wouldn’t have access to it or be charged for that. The consumer would save money based on the specific channels they watch rather than bundling them together in a package. It is very much like going to the grocery to buy a gallon of milk but having to also purchase brussel-sprouts and pigs tongue with it. Hey all I want is the milk. Sorry sir, this is how it works; the same with cable TV.

It is so comical to watch evangelical watchdog groups insist on keeping cable channels bundled. If they can’t have a system where you have to get the porn pumped into your home they would be out of business. Evangelicals want dirty stations so they will have an issue to force down the publics throats and use in political battles much like they do abortion and gay issues. They have to have issues to demonize their opponents. If each individual has a choice then the evangelicals don’t have a dog in the fight. That means less power and control for their political allies. Ain’t democracy a bitch?


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