Friday, November 18, 2005

Bail Out

It occurred to me that with all the pressure and political reality coming home to roost on this administration for their lies that they may revert to their standby stragedy of destroying anyone who they see as a threat. Back in the ninties it was their hatred of Clinton which caused them to use any means neccessary to bring him down. He had beaten them twice and was on top of the world politically. The economy was the best it had been in the last century and the stock market was even higher than it is today. The repubs decided to try and dig up any dirt on Clinton by putting a partisan hack in charge of investigating Whitewater. When they finally realized that it was an empty hole and that they couldn't bye off enough people to find him guilty of anything that pervert Ken Starr resorted to looking into his personal sex life. They even had the gall to impeach him for lying about his sex life. If that is the precedent for impeachment in todays partisan world I believe that we need to get ready for another sex witch hunt. Their typical mode of operation when being exposed for their lies by someone courageous enough to speak the truth about their treasoneous actions, they attack with full force. It has happened again and again with much success. Rove, Cheney and Bush are masters at this game but I think the public is starting to see through the B.S. That is why we need to brace for their attack on Independent Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald. I heard that they have discovered Mr. Fitzgerald rented an X-rated DVD and now some cheeto's and semen have been found on tissue in his trash can. Get ready for the religious right, hypocritical moralizer repubs and right-wing radio / Fox TV to try and impeach him. It worked for Clinton, why not Fitz? It's good that we have honesty and decency back in the White House isn't it?


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