Thursday, December 22, 2005

High Crimes

It all makes sense now. The reason “w” and Cheney feel as though they have the right to lie to the American people, start an unnecessary war, ignore congress and the 4th Amendment by spying on Americans without a warrant in addition to all the other abuses of office they claim are justified, is because they don’t believe in the Constitution. That’s right. They think this is an autocracy; a dictatorship and America is their kingdom. They feel they don’t have to answer to anyone or any branch of government. They think the law is only what THEY say it is. They feel that no oversight of their actions or the balance of power within the government is required for them. This is exactly what Alexander Hamilton and our founders had in mind when they wrote about high crimes and misdemeanors. They had seen the abuses and tyranny of a government that was ruled by a King in England and they wanted to make sure America was a country based on laws rather than the whim of a King. Constitutional laws were made so they would be applied equally to ALL citizens, even the executive. No political leader could ignore “the rule of Law.” This is a country of “Laws,” not arbitrary actions by lying power hungry politicians who think no one is allowed to question their actions. It is not about a popularity contest which allows one man to do whatever he wants and then another to have to obey the law. That is why articles of impeachment are required. When the executive arrogantly admits to criminal felonies and dares anyone to try and stop him they must be removed from power. We are not a dictatorship or theocracy. We are a Democratic Republic where ALL are “under the law and Constitution.” Everyone in the military take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, not a politician. Many partisans will claim that it’s OK to ignore the law because, hey it’s “their man w” but what will happen when another president is elected and he also ignores the law? The precedent will have been established and the Constitution declared null and void. I know it’s not as bad as having sex in the White House but treason in the oval office is still an impeachable offense.


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