Friday, December 16, 2005


The following is a letter from a local right-wing evangelical and my response:

Iraq: The Third Front of perpetual war
December 10, 2005

The Iraq war is not about the Iraq war. Our people are engaged in combat on the Third Front Offensive of the Third Millennium Christian/Muslim War. Their brave efforts are rooted in historical events and culture. Our forces' efforts seem to have been destined and thus legitimate. Like it or not, we are a product of a real history.

History accounts this war was first engaged around 1096 under Pope Urban II, calling on our distant cousins and faith brethren, European Christians, to rescue Jerusalem from Muslim infiltration. Approximately seven subsequent campaigns occurred in the Crusades, ending around 1291.

Nine hundred years later after the first Crusade, only the names, weapons, tactics and battlefield locations have changed. The conflict between the same two religions continues.

The modern-day resumption of the fight was chosen by Muslims offended in 1991 by the Christian-based nation USA, conducting strikes from Saudi/Islamic soil against the Iraqi occupying force in Kuwait. Where and when did the offended Muslims elect to resume the fight? Right up the road in New York City.

The first major front of the Third Millennium Christian/Muslim War occurred on ground known as New York City in late summer 2001. The second front of the modern conflict was engaged on 10/7/01 in the mountains of Afghanistan. The third front is on ground known as Iraq. If you think we are fighting Iraqis in Iraq, look closer.

A large number of Iraqis are fighting with us. We are fighting Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Egyptians, Palestinians, Saudis and other Muslim nationals. They are converging from all over the world on ground known as Iraq, providing financial, logistical and weapons support to defeat our people and our effort.

Why? Because we are there? Wrong. Because we have always been there, dating back to 1096, "we" defined as a Christian adversarial force. Nationally divided Muslims have united against the United States of America, which now seems divided. This War has been, is and will be perpetual through centuries and millenniums.

The poison as been picked. Our elected national leadership has made the decision to fight this perpetual conflict. Where? Not here. The resumption of the inevitable fight has been taken off shore.

Immediately after the "hidden" enemy established his front in NYC, one man had the sworn responsibility to move the process forward to protect and defend the Constitution and the people therein from further attacks. At 1:15 a.m. ET, Oct. 11, 2002, The Senate approved what is now a Joint Congressional Resolution authorizing The President of The United States to use military force against a proven, self-declared U.S. enemy. The vote is based upon the experience of those senators and congressmen who have been in office for years governing and overseeing the CIA who provided the Intelligence. I don't recall seeing an all green, freshman class of senators and congressmen in the fall of 2002. They were seasoned, analytical veterans.

The most overlooked issue of the entire third front offensive occurred at 8 p.m. ET, March 17, 2003. A FORMAL DIRCET WARNING was issued by the President to the self-declared enemy targeted for quarantine and possible attack authorized by U.S. Joint House Resolution. Unfortunately, the FORMAL DIRCET WARNING was ignored.

The President has a large group of his own countrymen calling him a terrorist. What they need to understand is: Terrorists do not give warnings before they attack. But, the record shows our own fellow countrymen did.

The talk, debate, vote, warning and order are all over. We are engaged. Once engaged, we unite and stand as one to obtain victory.

Some may be saying: "I'm against the war in Iraq. This is America, I have a right to speak out against this war." They're right, this is America. That is precisely why we went through a defined, legal process to obtain authorization to seek and defend ourselves against a self-declared enemy AND issue a formal, direct warning to avoid the conflict, if at all possible.

What is the war about, anyway? It is about defense by offense. It is about offense as best you can conduct it against this undercover, widely scattered, lethal opponent using unconventional tactics. It is about taking the fight away from Kentucky, Ohio, Alabama and all our states. It is about seeking out those who can aid this opponent because the clock ticks and the risks are very great. It's about self-preservation and keeping a way of life. It's about not bending over time and time again when "they" strike us, as in the past.

It simply is about getting them, there, before they get us, here.

It is my sincere hope the families of the service men and women who have died on the ground known as Iraq can somehow seek to grasp some kind of peace knowing their servicemen and women were fighting for the United States with honor and courage on the Third Front of this perpetual conflict, hunting down those who can assist in destroying us.


Holy War? In reading Mr. """'s letter on December 10 concerning the Iraq war, I was struck by his claims. He says we are involved in a perpetual Crusade against Islam; a Holy War. This of course is the antithesis of what Bush claims every time he is questioned. Someone is lying. Who is it; Bush or those of Mr. """"’s ilk? I may agree with Mr. """"""’s assessment of the present administrations intentions but I couldn’t disagree with their actions more. He claims that America is the world leader in the continuation of the “Christian Crusades” of a millennium ago. I don’t recall our forefathers mentioning that or including anything about America being a “Christian Nation or Theocracy” in our Constitution and I don’t remember them taking up the mantle of “leaders of the new World-Wide Crusade against Islam. It just isn’t so. That is a falsehood which many right-wing extremists use in order to justify their actions concerning the war in Iraq. Al Qaeda attacked us on 911, not Saddam or Iraq. Iraq was a secular country and Saddam wanted it that way but we are the ones who turned it into the Islamic terrorist capital of the world by preemptively starting the war. We created Al Qaeda in the 80’s when Reagan funded and armed them against Russia in the Afghanistan war. Russia is not a Christian nation so why did the Muslims hate them and why did America work with Islamic extremists if we are engaged in a Holy war against them? We know Bin Laden was responsible for 911 but we chose to let him go and instead attack Iraq; a country that did nothing to us. Bin Laden is still free, plotting more attacks on us. I am certainly not an authority on crime but I do know that if a gang of Mormons murder someone, we don’t invade the state of Utah preemptively. To set the record straight, the terrorists did warn us about their intentions and we did have warnings about what was going to happen on 911 but the Bush administration chose to ignore it. As Clinton did after the first World Trade Center bombing; those responsible were captured, tried and convicted. No Holy war was declared and we maintained the adoration and respect of the world. Contrast that with today.
All of the twisted logic and talk of continuous war against Islam is insane. Only extremist religious zealots believe such garbage just like those in Israel today. I don’t feel the present neocon administration represents what America is about. Apparently Mr. """""" supports the Holy war concept and believes our government is lying to us about its intentions. Only paranoid right-wing fundamentalist believe this heresy and they should be removed from our secular government’s leadership roles. Tragically, most all those in the present administration fall into this category. God help us.


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