Monday, November 14, 2005


I would like to respond to the recent letter submitted by Mr. Fulkerson. It seems from his paranoid rantings about terrorists and Muslims that he has the same inane hysteria many other right-wing zealots suffer from. They view the world of politics and religion through the eyes of their sheltered existence. Their simple minded opinions show just how diluted their opinions truly are. This can be explained by the fact that they are under the illusion that all Muslims are terrorists and the West bares no responsibility for their grievances. I recall the British making these same claims when our founders were rebelling and fighting by using dirty guerrilla warfare rather than “fighting like men out in the open.” Only fools will fight against a superior force in a manner they know they have no chance of winning against; thus the creation of suicide bombers. Based on all the lies used to get us involved in this needless war we have no room to point fingers at Saddam. Iraq did not attack us on 911; Bin Laden and al-Qaida did. Republican right-wing neocon reactionaries are under the simplistic illusion that everything would be fine if we just eliminated all Muslims. That ignorant view could only come as a result of too much unfair and unbalanced right-wing neocon media propaganda. We need new leadership which will not lie to us and the world about what America stands for. It is obvious that the present administration has no clue.


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