Thursday, January 26, 2006


I had an interesting discussion with an avowed right-wing republican neo-con in our community the other day and mentioned the weakness in the logic of his recent letter to the paper concerning abortion and the death penalty. Oddly enough, I found it queer to use the issue of cruelty to animals as justification in his reasoning. I guess watching enough right-wing TV and radio will do that to you. I asked how a true follower of Christ could profess his beliefs but strongly support an unnecessary war against a country that did nothing to us and one in which over a hundred thousand innocent women, children and others have died. He thought for a moment and said, “Don’t you know what collateral damage is?” That’s an easy way of saying its OK because those people don’t matter. Not only are these illogical views by evangelical neo-cons inconsistent with Christ’s teachings and with their other moral arguments but they want to force their beliefs on everyone through the law. It’s not enough for them to choose their own personal moral beliefs. They insist on making everyone else agree with them. Free-will is a foreign concept to those who insist on controlling others actions. Following their stream of logic one could say, “Hey, abortion is just sexual collateral damage.” I personally don’t profess to support abortion, the death penalty or unnecessary war but I do believe in free-will. At least that is consistent with ones religious convictions unlike many morally selective right-wing partisans. And for that, many of us are vilified and demonized as unpatriotic radicals. You’re doin a heck of a job bushy. Look what we’ve come to in this country as a result of your actions.

Monday, January 23, 2006


I find it quite amusing how many evangelical right-wingers are obsessed with Edward Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. They must be doing something right for right-wingers to feel so threatened by them. These right-wing fanatics rail against abortion but don’t have a problem with killing thousands of innocent pregnant women and children with “smart bombs” in wars against nations that did nothing to the United States. I wonder what Jesus would do? Individual free-will and Constitutional freedoms are foreign concepts to these evangelicals because they want to control every aspect of other people’s lives through the law. The last I checked women weren’t forced to have abortions in America. It is a choice. Why should someone else decide what a woman does with her body? Also, these fundamentalists show the world how wrong abortion is by murdering doctors and demonizing and attacking those with whom they disagree. With that kind of perverted logic I bet one would believe Tom Delay is an angelic politician and “w” doesn’t even know who Jack Abramoff or Osama Bin Laden are. "You’re doing a heck of a job bushy."

Sunday, January 22, 2006


It never ceases to amaze me how right-wingers insist on demanding that everyone else follow their narrow-minded beliefs. They seem to never be content to live their personal life the way they want. They will not rest until everyone else does the same as them. A good example is TV or movie content. If a right-winger doesn't want to view certain programs or subject matter, don't watch it. But no, they insist on removing it from viewing all together so no one can see it. Pornography is in the eye of the beholder and no one is being forced to watch these programs. It is a free choice. The same is true of other issues such as euthanasia, evolution, church and state issues, science, homosexuality and abortion. Right-wingers are against free will. They insist on controlling others. What is odd is that if a law is changed that they think would take any of their rights away, they scream bloody murder. It's OK for others to be forced to do what they want but don't even infer that they will have to follow someone elses rules. How hypocritical can one be? But such is the way of the modern Republican fundamentalist evangelical party. When you have leaders such as Bush, Cheney, Delay, Santorum, McConnel, Hatch and all the rest of the pharasees on the right, what else do you expect? I wasn't aware that any woman was forced to have an abortion or any adult was forced to watch an R rated movie in the United States. It would be different of we had laws that forced women to have abortions but we don't. That is why we provide a choice. Good people disagree on when life begins. Some believe life begins at conception. Others believe it begins at birth and many more believe it is somewhere in between. Why must we all be forced to believe and follow someone elses religious beliefs relative to issues like creationism, abortion or homosexuality? Right-wing evangelicals claim to be pro-life Christians but run from the gospel of Christ concerning wealth, greed, materialism, hypocrisy and death. They say they are pro-life but insist on starting wars and destroy countries and people that have done nothing to us. The result is tens of thousands of dead women and children as well as pregnant women with their unborn fetuses. I wonder how many pregnant women died in Japan when we dropped the Atomic bomb? Seems ironic doesn't it? I guess the death of non-Americans and non-Christians is OK with our hypocritical republican evangelicals. How pathetic is that?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Bush and his coterie know that their legal arguments for illegal spying are weak and intellectually dishonest, if not ludicrous, so rather than making their case honestly, they avoided dissent by acting in secret, misleading the entire country. Using a tragically familiar modus operandi, Bush has carried out his unlawful spying scheme by acting not as a unitary executive (whatever that is), but as a solitary executive -- as if only the president knows best.

As anyone who took high school civics knows, the government must get a warrant before conducting electronic surveillance on people within the United States.

At no time during this four-year debate about security and civil liberties, has the Bush administration advised Congress in any meaningful way that it was in ongoing violation of FISA; nor has it ever formally sought to amend the law. In other words, the administration has conducted a prolonged charade during which it has pretended to participate in a democratic process of amending and enacting legislation, while secretly violating the law that was under consideration.

When Bush announced famously on April 20, 2004, "There are such things as roving wiretaps. Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires -- a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way..." He was knowingly lying and intentionally violating the Constitution he swore to uphold. Can you say, high crimes and felonies against the American people?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


People always ask me why I point out the ugly truth about religion and politics and how many hypocrites there are in right-wing America. They say I anger many people with my comments and observations. I have the freedom to do it when and how I want. It’s just my little way of sticking it to the man. They say I am the man who is either an un-American, anti-religious hate monger or a true Christian patriot with great courage to speak the truth of our founders. All I can say is, “Maybe.”

Monday, January 16, 2006


Joanthan Wells is the infamous Berkley cell Biology professor who is being touted by the religious right as the last word on evolution and intelligent design. He has publicly stated that his goal is to destroy evolution. He has written books and spoken for years now against evolution and for creationism. He has the habit of taking old outdated theories from the last two centuries and exposing them as false thus in his mind proving that all scientific facts and theories concerning evolution are wrong. The scientific community has already dismissed these archaic ideas by using the scientific method and more recent scientific discoveries to update our knowledge of the process of evolution. When one looks at the fact that until he joined the Moonies cult, he was one of the primary proponents of evolution. It seems very queer that mainstream Christian Churches would embrace this Moonie cult member and his flawed theories, but such are the ways of the fundamentalist soldiers against science of today.


Bushevism is completely un-American: "I am the king. Therefore, I'm the law." It was precisely to reject such monarchism that the US was, as a republic, created in the first place.
Clearly, Bush doesn't know what "unchecked" means, not just because he's ignorant, but because he cannot comprehend the notion of some entity beyond himself, some entity outside "his" branch of government, exerting any influence at all upon his actions. As far as he's concerned, it's his job, and his alone, to "safeguard" our civil liberties, just as it's his job to wage war against the Evil Ones. He thinks that "oversight" means that His Majesty tells Congress what he wants to tell them, and does so when he feels like doing it.
When “w” was asked recently if the global war on terror is going to last for decades, as has been forecast, does that mean that we're going to see, therefore, a more or less permanent expansion of the unchecked power of the executive in American society?" His Majesty was most annoyed:
Small wonder that the people of this nation never voted to elect or re-elect George W. Bush as president. He lacks a fundamental understanding of the principles on which the American republic was founded. He just doesn't get it. And he gets angry if you even question him, which is itself further disproof of his bizarre contention that his power is somehow "checked" by his own regal self-restraint.
Again, Bush gets away with such tyrannical absurdity because the press won't call him on it. Neither will the Democrats.
Georgia law - essentially the re-imposition of a poll tax - relates to the Republicans' intentions vis-à-vis the Voting Rights Act, which they intend to gut. That law's up for renewal - and the party is purporting to desire certain "improvements" in it, which should make us very nervous, because their aim is to "improve" the Voting Rights Act much as they attempted to "improve" Social Security. "Improve" is Bushspeak, or Orwellian, for "destroy." What the party wants is to excise certain provisions from the law, so that it can then be invalidated by the Supreme Court. Once the Voting Rights Act is kaput, the states will be emancipated to pass ever more laws like the Georgia law: laws that then won't be repealed. Similar laws have been passed recently in Indiana and Arizona. All of this is meant to help ensure the party's permanent majority - or perhaps "dominion" is a better word.
We can have little hope of any difference in the rulings of Chief Justice Roberts and, Alito, whose main attraction for the right, I'd argue, is their staunch adherence to the segregationist position of William Rehnquist, who, as the press and Democrats have never adequately noted, made his bones, back in the early Sixties, trying to disenfranchise Hispanic voters in Arizona.
You connect those dots, and then connect them to the scandals now racking the GOP, because they also have to do primarily with election fraud. Tom DeLay's troubles stem directly from his close involvement in the party's efforts to subvert democracy through the construction of a permanent "majority." The gerrymandering in Texas, and the program to monopolize K Street, were both intended to help further weaken the electorate.
Fear for our Republic when these abuses are allowed.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I read with tragic humor the writings of local republican partisans the last couple of weeks who spend their complete letters attacking a patriotic American veteran who disagreed with their shrill right-wing neocon political viewpoint. This brave citizen must be saying something right for all these reactionaries to attack him as they did. The truth really threatens right-wing extremists. These right-wingers obediently parrot what they are told from Rove, Rush and his disciples, then expect everyone else to follow their brainwashed view of revisionist history. Hey, if I wanted to listen to the lies of this administration I would just watch right-wing controlled mainstream TV propaganda. I don’t need local chicken hawks repeating the lies that are expressed every day by this administration. If these guys are so gung-ho about the war maybe they should volunteer.
Terrorism is nothing new to this country. We shot down an Iranian jet with over 300 civilians on it 15 years ago. How many innocent women and children were mutilated by the atomic bomb? That is not to say it wasn’t necessary but we do terrorize others. It all depends on your viewpoint. War is terrorism! We lost and terrorized more of our fellow Americans during the Civil War than any other war in our history. Iraq is a country that did nothing to us and was no threat to us. Mass graves are the norm in Iraq and Afghanistan from U.S. dirty bombings of civilians (i.e. white phosphorous and depleted uranium). The history of Iraq’s barbarism is replete with U.S. complicity. Reagan/Bush sold chemical and conventional weapons to Iraq to be used against Iran and their own Iraqi people, so to presume that America has no blood on its hands in its Islamic crusade is naive. Reagan, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfield did nothing to stop these weapon sales and atrocities in the 80’s. I certainly don’t blame our soldiers or military. These brave men must follow orders given them from inept politicians. Why is it that whenever patriotic American citizens criticize policy, right-wingers take it as attacks against our soldiers? That is so simplistically false and naïve. To not criticize our leaders is unpatriotic, quote Theodore Roosevelt. To say that America has not been attacked since 911 is also factious. We still have not found the terrorists who killed people and terrorized Congress with anthrax in the U.S. after 911. We are actually less safe today than pre-911. Many nuclear facilities have been pillaged and scientists recruited in Russia since the country collapsed, and with it nuclear materials and technologies have been stolen and moved to Islamic terrorist countries. Not exactly the scenario right-wingers had when they claimed victory against Communism. Had this administration heeded the warnings about Alqeita before 911 it would never have happened. Relative to right-wing delusions that Congress had the same intelligence as the White House, to authorize war, nothing could be further from the truth. Facts come out daily about the lies and deception of Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld prior to the war. They perpetrated the illusion to Congress and the American people that there would be a nuclear cloud over America if we didn’t attack, knowing that was false. Had we known Bush’s preemptive war would end up as a feeble attempt to bring democracy to the mid-east, Congress and the public would never have supported it. Listening to right-wing torturous, twisted logic and justification for all the abuses and lies our leaders are responsible for in Iraq is pathetic. From this administration’s lies concerning weapons of mass destruction and 911 connections to claiming that we are not occupiers but bringing peace, freedom and democracy to Iraq is a fraud. We have increased Muslin hatred of America and ceded control of 2/3 of the world’s oil resources. All we have done is assure Iraq will have a protracted civil war and become a Shiite dominated Islamic fundamentalist THEOCRACY controlled by radical IRANIAN Shiites. A failure on all counts. Mission accomplished! Thank this administration for sacrificing and maiming tens of thousands of American soldiers, bankrupting the U.S. Treasury, yielding our Constitution irrelevant and destroying the honor and respect the world held us in prior to this unnecessary and vile war. And oh by the way, where is Osama?