Sunday, January 22, 2006


It never ceases to amaze me how right-wingers insist on demanding that everyone else follow their narrow-minded beliefs. They seem to never be content to live their personal life the way they want. They will not rest until everyone else does the same as them. A good example is TV or movie content. If a right-winger doesn't want to view certain programs or subject matter, don't watch it. But no, they insist on removing it from viewing all together so no one can see it. Pornography is in the eye of the beholder and no one is being forced to watch these programs. It is a free choice. The same is true of other issues such as euthanasia, evolution, church and state issues, science, homosexuality and abortion. Right-wingers are against free will. They insist on controlling others. What is odd is that if a law is changed that they think would take any of their rights away, they scream bloody murder. It's OK for others to be forced to do what they want but don't even infer that they will have to follow someone elses rules. How hypocritical can one be? But such is the way of the modern Republican fundamentalist evangelical party. When you have leaders such as Bush, Cheney, Delay, Santorum, McConnel, Hatch and all the rest of the pharasees on the right, what else do you expect? I wasn't aware that any woman was forced to have an abortion or any adult was forced to watch an R rated movie in the United States. It would be different of we had laws that forced women to have abortions but we don't. That is why we provide a choice. Good people disagree on when life begins. Some believe life begins at conception. Others believe it begins at birth and many more believe it is somewhere in between. Why must we all be forced to believe and follow someone elses religious beliefs relative to issues like creationism, abortion or homosexuality? Right-wing evangelicals claim to be pro-life Christians but run from the gospel of Christ concerning wealth, greed, materialism, hypocrisy and death. They say they are pro-life but insist on starting wars and destroy countries and people that have done nothing to us. The result is tens of thousands of dead women and children as well as pregnant women with their unborn fetuses. I wonder how many pregnant women died in Japan when we dropped the Atomic bomb? Seems ironic doesn't it? I guess the death of non-Americans and non-Christians is OK with our hypocritical republican evangelicals. How pathetic is that?


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