Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Affirmative Action for Baptists

The S.C. will have a majority Catholic makeup when Alito is confirmed. Long live the Catholics. 5 out of 9 justices will be Catholic when Alito is confirmed. We will all be following the Pope soon. School vouchers, abortion, euthanasia, church and state, and on and on. Maybe Mother Mary on the dollar bill or on the wall in public schools. I can't wait. They will finally get everything they have wanted. When the Baptists joined with them twenty five years ago it was just a matter of time before this happened. No religious freedom any longer. The Repus put them where they are. Thanks to Reagan for Scalia, Bush for Clarence Thomas and "w" for Roberts and Alito. You can just say thank you and be on your way. The founders never dreamed this would happen. We were founded by Protestants not Catholics.

There are really only two viable parties. A vote for any other is just wasted. I used to like McCain but he is the same as the rest of the repus now. Scared of the religious right. I certainly don't agree with all that the demos do. They are the lesser of two evils but they usually come down on the side of personal freedom and more for the middle class. I feel the Dems will do less harm than the treasonous and greedy Repus.


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