Monday, October 31, 2005

Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings

People are always asking me, hey Glenn, why are you so happy?” I say, “why not, everything is going my way.” Now that right-wingers control every branch of our government I can squirrel hunt with my fully automatic AR15 and the NRA owns Congress. My people control the media and all of talk radio by employing only real American patriots. Don’t misunderestimatate our power. This country was created to divide, not unite all peoples; after all, how are the wheat and chaff going to be separated if everyone has the same rights and is treated equally? We all know the rich and powerful deserve tax breaks and power because God preordained it. It’s right there in the B-I-B-L-E. These days only right-wing fundamentalist Christians are allowed to govern our country the way it was meant to be in the beginning. Pretty soon all those Godless ACLUers and secular humanists will be imprisoned for trying to force true science and Constitutional rights equally for everyone. Come on, give me a break. The day that homo’s, Haitians, Jews and Godless liberal Democratics get control of this government is the day our Lord will return and destroy the earth with nucuular fire and brimstone.

We should all thank God every day that we have the privilege to pay $3.00/Gal. for gas to fill up our 45 Gallon 454 V8 Suburbans. Without oil companies being allowed to make a profit where would this country be? The God-fearing Wal-Marter Walton family deserve every penny they make by buying all that cheap Chinese junk and selling it to poor heathen liberals who just want to live off the public dole. The Walton family is doing us a favor by shutting down wicked liberal American companies.

We have a president who is as close to a King as this country has ever seen and he knows that God directs his every move. That is why he can’t be wrong or questioned about anything. If God told him to lie about reasons to start an unnecessary war and kill thousands of people including women and children, that is good enough for me. After all, most Americans are too liberal and agnostic to understand the ways of the almighty, but not our “King W.” He follows the word of the Old Testament God to the letter and if the democratics and liberal freedom loving citizens don’t like it they can burn in hell.

What this country will soon have is a government that will take away jobs from the unworthy, personal freedoms, retirement benefits and health care assurances to make people get back to relying on the Lord for every simple need. They will force families to keep their relatives corpses alive on life support until they wither away in agony and make abused wives and little teenage girls who have been raped have children they don’t want. Now if that’s not Pro-Life what is? We have leaders who realize that forced prayer in school is basic to our religious freedom and lying, cheating and killing is the price we pay for our liberty. It’s so good to have honor and dignity back in the White House.

God is in His heaven and all’s right with the world.


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