Friday, October 07, 2005


"w" seems to be just like the boy who killed his parents then pleaded for mercy because he was an orphan. He brought all his problems upon himself. Instead of following Jesus' teachings, he choose to follow Satan's; greed, death and pride.

I pity his situation when the Lord comes to ask him; did you follow what I sent my son on earth to die for? Most every action "w" takes is contradictory to what Christ stood for. Don't believe me? Read about exactly what HE said in the gospels. As for me and my family, we chose to follow the Lord, not a political party.

Based on "w"s appointees, like Mike Brown of FEMA and the clown who is now at the UN as our ambassador and countless others plus Miers for the supreme court it appears that the only critera he uses to chose someone is how loyal they are to him and if they share his religious viewpoint. No competent people need apply. If his goal is to make Reagan's comments a reality "that government is not the solution" and to always look to commercial firms to administer government services, he has been successful. He could not have chosen any worse people for governmental positions to assure that citizens despise the government. His father was just about as bad. Remember Clarence Thomas? Bush I said, "Thomas was the most qualified person in America for the job." Now "w" says, "Harriot Miers is the best person to sit on the Supreme Court. Give me a break.

His next big appointment will be to replace Alan Greenspan. My suggestion is that he appoint the assistant manager at my branch bank because he is a reformed alcoholic who now tells others what Jesus stands for - "w"s policies. But first and formost he has Bush and "w" stickers all over his car, republican ties, cuff links, and GOP tattos plus a large picture of "w" right above his desk at the bank. The perfect Chairman of the Federal Reserve.


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