Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Crank It Up with a Purpose Driven Life

You have probably not heard much about Ashley Smith's new book. She is the woman in Atlanta who was confronted by Brian Nichols, the four time killer of police, bystanders and judge, in her appartment. The right-wing media (Fox, Rush and many others)as well as most Christian conservatives praised her for relying on God to get out of that situation alive. She even read him some of the book, "The Purpose Driven Life" it was told, which was to have made him see the error of his ways and give up. How anyone would follow the precepts of the author of a Purpose Driven Life is beyond me. That guy believes that it never rained on earth until it is mentioned in the Old Testament. So much for the scientific fact of clouds and evaporation. That is one of the reasons he is a darling of the religious right. Every fundamentalist literalist can do no wrong in their eyes regardless of the facts.

As Paul Harvey says, "Now the rest of the story." She apparently made him more than pancakes that day. She pulled out her stash of Crystal Methamphetimene and chopped it up for him to partake. Apparently she had a drug problem and was using again.
This had not been advertised until now.

When this came out you didn't hear many right-wingers say anything about it because it was contrary to the way they had spun the story. She wasn't the sweet little white virgin Christian girl who allowed God to take over the situation. No, she took matters into her own hands. She got the dude stoned on crank. The book also makes reference to the sexual side of the story. He asked her if she had ever dated any black guys and she said no. He took off his shirt, hung it on the bedpost of her four poster bed and she said, "She didn't see an ounce of fat on his buff body and wow, I guess they do work out in prison." The book doesn't go on to say she had a sexual encounter but they didn't say she didn't either. Maybe that will be in the next book. Sex & Drugs. The only part of the story missing was the Rock and Roll pancakes.

She was very lucky that she was not killed or harmed in any way and I am glad everything worked out for her. Maybe drugs do have a beneficial function in our society. Right-wingers need to acknowledge their exageration of the story which is typical of their embellishments on so many other issues and stories. You always have to listen to what they say or write with a grain of salt.

Why are conservatives so terrified of admitting the truth about politics, religion, sex, evolution, and on and on? Don't they know the truth will set you free!


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