Monday, September 19, 2005

Who is "w" praying to now? God has betrayed him.

“w” is so good at placing blame on others and pointing fingers toward others for his own screw ups that now he is pissed at God and wants him eliminated from his administration. "w" and Rove tried to blame the victims of the Hurricane for shortening his month long vacation by a couple of days but that didn't seem to work so now God is being blamed. God apparently sent the Hurricane just to make “w” look bad and boy has he done a good job. “w”s pole numbers are so bad that even the treasonous Carl Rove can’t help him. I know “w” talks to God every day and gets his orders to start wars and give big tax breaks to millionaires but why is God so mad at “w” that he would do this? Maybe God is not the obedient republican “w” thinks he is. Maybe God has had the last laugh on ol “w.” Everything “w” touches seems to go to hell. In every area of this administration’s actions they have failed and where is that old Bin Laden? Remember him? After eight years of “w” this country will never be out of debt. At least democrats can always use “w” and the republicans to compare themselves to when times get lean. They can’t be out-spent, out-warred or out-failed. Yes, “w” is the bench mark for pathetic performance. After five years of this administration I bet the public would be happy to have the womanizing Clinton back in office. At least he was competent and capable. He is truly brilliant compared to monkey man "w."


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