Thursday, September 15, 2005

One Nation Under God? Give me a break!

Hey T. Glenn,
I just heard on NPR this morning that some pinko,commie,fag,limp
wristed,flag burning idiot thought his civil rights were being violated
because his son's school said the Pledge of Allegiance each morning.

He said they were promoting religion because of the line "one nation
under God". Gimme a break. He took the case to the California Supreme
Court and won. Next is the U.S. Supreme Court.

Lucky for us ole 'W' will get to appoint two of his boys to the bench before
that case will be heard. yeeehaaaw

Hey Tom,do you really think America is a Christian Nation Under God? The U.S. is the most materialistic nation in the world, hands down. It is also one of the most violent and "war industry" dominated countries in the world under this administration. The guy your talking about is Micheal Nudal from Sacramento. He took it to the Supreme Court last year and Renquist chickened out ruling on it because he didn't have guadianship of his child. He is still his child. That was a technical point that was just their way of not having to rule on it. Typical chicken hawk conservative court (Thomas, Scalia, Renquist). They know it is unconstitutional but they are afraid to rule because they are afraid to tell the public the truth. You can say anything you want during the Pledge of Allegience but the government can not force you. That is the issue. Most citizens don't get it but it is unconstitutional; Fact! Oh, and the history of the Plege is that it did not contain those two words in it's original form. They were added in the 1950's. A Socialist minister wrote the original Pledge. How about if the Pledge was changed to contain the words, under Soun Yon Moon, under Yahwey or Mr. Morman Joseph Smith? Would you have a problem with that? After this case has been settled the next issue to resolve is to have the words "In God we Trust" taken off our money which is also unconstitutional. If our founders could see how close we are to becoming a Theocracy they would shake their head in disgust. They started our country because of the very religious intrusion into government that was going on in England. It is fast becoming the same today right here in America because people don't have any idea what the Constition and our founders insisted on. What if there were more Catholics like you in the U.S. than any other religion? Would you also take the position that everyone follow Vatican teachings regardless of what their personal religious beliefs were? I thought as an educated person you would understand that. Come on Tom. Stop falling for Rush's and Hannity's B.S. You're brighter than that. If the Supreme Court does start leaning toward a Theocracy by imposing religion on all citizens through governmental laws there will be another Civil War and I know which side I will be on. It would be the best thing to happen to liberals and democrats because people know how extreme the present right-wing republican leadership has become in Washington. The pendelum will swing back to the middle very fast. It has already started because of the incompetence of this administration.

See ya!


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